DynProperties for subitem "Limits"


Name Type Description
AML_Call Boolean

Call via alarms administration

Only available, if the limit is an alarm:
Active: The linked function is not executed spontaneously in online operation, but only after pressing the "Function" button in the online alarm list.
Inactive: The function is executed spontaneously, when the alarm occurs.
Default: inactive.

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Active Boolean

Limit active

Active: The limit is active for the Runtime.
Inactive: The limit is ignored in the Runtime.
Default: active.

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Alarm Boolean

as alarm

Active: In case of a limit violation an entry in the alarm lis is generated.
Inactive: No entry in the alarm list is generated.
Default: inactive.

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AlarmAcknowledge Boolean

to acknowledge

Only available, if the limit is an alarm:
Active: The alarm has to be acknowledged, before it is removed from the ringbuffer.
Inactive: No acknowledgement is necessary.
Default: active; but as no alarm: inactive.

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AlarmDelete Boolean

To delete

Only available, if the alarm has to be acknowledged:
Active: The alarm has to be acknowledged and deleted, before it is removed from the ringbuffer.
Inactive: No deleting is necessary.
Default: inactive.

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Blinking Boolean


Active: Dynamic elements linked to this variable start flashing, as soon as this limit is violated.
The flashing can be acknowledged with a right double-click.
Inactive: No flashing will be activated by this limit.
Default: inactive.

ATTENTION: In combination with the property Delay this property in networks works in the following way:
Limit with flashing and no delay: Linked elements flash on the server and on the clients.
Limit with flashing and delay: Linked elements flash on the server, but do not flash on the clients
Alarm with flashing and no delay: Linked elements flash on the server and on the clients.
Alarm with flashing and delay: Linked elements flash on the server and on the clients.

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Cel Boolean

in CEL

Active: In case of a limit violation an entry in the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is generated.
Inactive: No entry in the Chronologic Event List is generated.
Default: inactive.

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Class Long

Alarm class

Assignment of an alarm class (max. 65535) for the limit when used as alarm.
The assignment of the alarm class is done by selecting from the list.
Default: 0 - (not used).

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ClassName ZT_String_REF Gets/Sets the alarm class which is linked to a limit.


Color information for the symbol coloring and the limit color when using the variables in the binary element; the color definition of the alarm texts in the alarm information list occurs in the alarm class definition

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Delay Long

Delay time [s]

Duration (in seconds) that the limit violation must be active. The value must be active for the defined duration (without interruption), in order to trigger the configured actions of the limit violation.
The time of the first violation is used as the time stamp for the limit violation in the AML and/or the CEL.

ATTENTION: If combined with the property "take over flashing from limit", this property has the following effects in the network:
limit with flashing and without delay: linked elements will flash on the server and on the clients.
Limit with flashing and with delay: linked elements will only flash on the server, not on the clients.
Alarm with flashing and without delay: linked elements will flash on the server and on the clients.
Alarm with flashing and with delay: linked elements will flash on the server and on the clients.

Minimum: 0
Maximum: 4294967295
Default: 0

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Function, which should be executed automatically in the Runtime, when the limit is violated.
If the condition is defined as an alarm, then the spontaneous activation of the function can be suppressed (Option "Call via the alarms administration").
If more than one function should be executed here, a script with all the desired functions has to be created and the function for executing the script is linked here.

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Group Long

Alarm group

Assignment of an alarm group (max. 65535) for the limit when used as alarm.
The assignment of the alarm group is done by selecting from the list.
Default: 0 - (not used).

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GroupName ZT_String_REF Gets/Sets the alarm group of a limit.
HelpCapture String

Help chapter

Only available, if the limit is an alarm:
Help chapter that should be displayed for this alarm in the alarm list.

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HelpFile ZT_FILE

Help file

Only available, if the limit is an alarm:
File (*.chm), from which a help chapter should be displayed for this alarm in the alarm list.
If here the string $PRG:xxxxxx is entered and the electroplan implementation is licensed, instead of opening the help the electroplan program is started with the parameter xxxxxx. The property Help chapter is ignored, but must not be empty.
The EXE path of the electroplan program is defined in the file zenOn6.ini in the entry EDOC_PATH in the section [PATH].

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ID_Parent Long This property returns the unique ID of the variable where the limit is linked to.
Invisible Boolean


Active: Status is not displayed in the dynamic element "Binary element" or elements are not displayed if their visibility is controlled by this variable.
Inactive: The visibility is not affected by the limit violation.
Default: inactive.

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IsMax Boolean

Minimum / Maximum

Minimum: Limit violation when reaching or going below defined limit.
Maximum: Limit violation when reaching or going above defined limit.
Default: Minimum.

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IsVariable Boolean

Dynamic limit active

Specifies whether the limit text is fixed or whether it is dynamically determined via a variable.

active: The limit is not defined via a fixed technical value assignment but via the technical value of another variable.

Default: inactive

ATTENTION: If the variable limit changes, so that the current value of the variable is suddenly in the critical range without changing, there will also be a limit violation.

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LimitValue Double


Only available, if no dynamic limit is defined:
Defines the value, from which on the limit is violated.
If values above or below violate the limit, is defined by the property "Minimum / Maximum".

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Print Boolean


Active: Alarm or limit violation (with set option "in CEL") is printed online.
Inactive: No online printing.
The global settings whether the alarm list or Chronologic Event List (CEL) is printed is defined in the project properties.
Default: inactive.

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Simple Boolean
Text String

Limit text

This text will be shown in the Alarm Message List, the Chronological Event List and/or the alarm status line (depending on the configuration) after a limit violation.

Dynamic limit text: allows to include the current values of other variables in the limit text of a variable and in the limit text of reaction matrices. You can also link a fixed text with keywords from a language table via an index. This leads to some limitations:
static text will be stored in the memory area of the limit text, which is limited to 128 characters. The values of the linked variables are stored in the memory area of the comment text, which is limited to 80 characters and a maximum of 3 variables.

These limitations can be circumvented by the extension for long dynamic limit texts. For this, you need to activate Long limit texts CEL and Long limit texts AML. Variable values for dynamic limit texts will then be stored in a separate file. Attention: When using dynamic limit texts, you cannot enter comments.

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ThresholdValue Double

Threshold value

A threshold value can be defined that will be used for clearing a limit violation. This avoids unwanted reactions due to oscillating numerical values.
Example 1: a maximum value of 900 and a threshold of 10 result in 890
The limit will be violated when exceeding 900 and the critical area will be left when falling under 890.
Example 2: a minimum value of 900 and a threshold of 10 result in 910
The limit will be violated when falling below 900 and the critical area will be left when exceeding 910.
As opposed to the hysteresis, this property will only affect the alarm behavior and not the representation of the value.

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UserProperty1 String

User property 1

In the Runtime the user property defined here can be evaluated in a VBA macro.

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UserProperty2 String

User property 2

In the Runtime the user property defined here can be evaluated in a VBA macro.

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Only available, if the dynamic limit is active:
Variable, which should be used as dynamic limit value.

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