Extended Trend Module (ETM)

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The Extended Trend Modul is used for the representation of online and historical values(Archive values) of process variables and derived process variables in form of curves. It makes it possible to reread historic data. Scrolling in the ETM provides a ruler and zoom function together with a trend analysis.

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Extended Trend Starter Edition:

The standard license of the TAG based version on the PC includes a reduced version of the Extended Trend Module. The Starter Edition is based on the standard Extended Trend Module.

The Extended Trend Module Starter Edition has the following limitations:

- no XY trend

- no second time axis

- Number of curves limited to 8

- no logarithmic representation

- no scanning

- no zooming


You cannot use any functions that exceed the limitations mentioned above if you have only the Starter Edition license in the Editor.

If you only have the Extended Trend Starter Edition license in the Runtime, you cannot use picture switch functions that do not follow the rules mentioned above. The ETM picture will then be loaded with the default filter (=empty filter). An entry in the Diagnosis Server is made

Example: You try to perform a picture switch function to an Extended Trend Module picture with 10 curves. The Trend picture will be opened, but you will not see any curves.


The Extended Trend Module Starter Edition on the PC can be upgraded to the full Extended Trend Module version at any time, without compatibility problems. If you have licensed both the Starter Edition and the full version, you will get access to all functions of the full version.
The Starter Edition is not available for versions with I/O based licenses.

For the Windows CE 6.0 Runtime, the Extended Trend Module Starter Edition is available in combination with the Archive Server Starter Editon. None of the two modules are available for any older Windows CE versions.