Engineering in the Editor

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The list of defined scripts in the active project is displayed in the detailview after selecting the folder Functions/Scripts in the treeview of the Project Manager.

The following commands are available in the context menu of the detailview of the Project Manager, depending whether a script is selected or not.

If no script is selected:

Script new

Creates a new script.


After copying or cutting the copied or cut script from the Windows Clipboard can be pasted to the same project or to another.


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attention Attention

Input limitation: The script name can have a length of max. 30 characters.

If a script is selected:


Renames the script.


Copies the script to the Windows Clipboard.


Moves the script to the Windows Clipboard.


Deletes the selected script This function can also be executed in the properties.

XML export

Exports script in XML format.


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After creating a new script a name has to be entered and the new script appears in the structure in the detailview. The new script has a section Function list.

Opening the context menu of the functions list with the right mouse button offers the following commands:

Add function

Opens a dialog to add functions to the selected script.


After copying or cutting the copied or cut script from the Windows Clipboard can be pasted to the same project or to another.


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The context menu of a selected function offers the following commands:

Move upwards

Moves the selected function upwards.

Move downwards

Moves the selected function downwards.


Copies the selected function to the Windows Clipboard.


Moves the selected function to the Windows Clipboard.


Deletes the selected function from the script.


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In the scripts AUTOSTART or AUTOSTART_CLIENT the start details (e.g. open headings and status lines, reset alarm outputs etc.) are configured. The start picture must not be executed in the AUTOSTART script because it is defined via the project property Start picture. To open a subpicture which always belongs to a main picture (picture-specific menu lines etc.) a picture script (e.g. B_Picturename) is to be defined (Picture creation). This ensures that on selection of the picture via the Picture switch function, selection from the screen catalog or the Return to last picture function, all detail pictures are always opened with it.

In the scripts AUTOEND or AUTOEND_CLIENT the defined termination functions are configured (reset PIO-8 output process variables etc.). Cyclical archives must not be given in the AUTOEND script.