Oracle relational database management system can be used with WebAccess for data logging to a database (ODBC Logs). This SQL Server Database will replace the Access Database ( bwPdata.mdb) that is the default database used for Process Data including:
· Analog Tag Log
· Discrete Tag Log
· Text Tag Log
· System Log
· Action Log
· Alarm Logs.
The Data for Scheduled reports will also be stored in the Oracle database. Oracle 9i has been tested with WebAccess.
Note that the "Tag" database used for Project Manager remains an Access Database (bwcfg.mdb)
The steps to switch to an SQL Server database are:
1. On the Oracle Server, create User Name and Password to login to the Oracle Server; this user must have Alter, Create, Drop, Insert any table, Open SQL Queries, Connect, DBA, Manage, System Table Management and unlimited Tablespace privileges.
2. On the Oracle Server, edit security to allow full control of the nsnames.ora file to include the Internet Guest Account and the IIS Process Account. The file is located typically at C:\oracle\oracle92\network\admin\nsnames.ora
The Internet Guest Account is typically IUSR_yourcomputername
The IIS Process Account is typically named IWAM_yourcomputername
3. Install Oracle Client on the Project Node from CD ROM using the install wizard
4. On the Oracle Client / Project Node, add the IUSR_yourcomputername name account and the IWAM_yourcomputername name account to the Oracle home folder and all files. Give both accounts full control.
5. Disable SQL*Net Authentication. To do this, edit the SQLNET.ora file. This configuration file is usually stored in the Network\Admin subfolder of the Oracle home folder.
6. On the Oracle Client, Use SQL Plus to Configure Oracle Client to connect to the Oracle Server.
Hint - remember to use ; (a colon) for the quit command.
6a. Select Add Database Alias.
6b. Type in a name for the alias (for example, the server name).
6c. Select the protocol (most commonly, it will be TCP/IP).
6d. Specify the host machicomputerne and the database instance. This is the name of the Oracle Server and the database on that server. If you do not know these values, get them from your Oracle Database Administrator (DBA).
6e. Confirm the settings.
6f. Select Exit SQL Plus Configuration.
7. Create an ODBC System DSN on the Project Node to connect to the Oracle Client database with alias (username) and password created in step 6a.
7a. On the Project Node server, from the Control Panel use the 32-Bit ODBC Administrator to add a System DSN.
7b. Select Microsoft ODBC for Oracle.
7c. In the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle dialogue, supply the required information. The user name will be provided by your Oracle DBA and the "Server" is the alias created with SQL Plus Configuration.
Data Source Name : OracleDSN
Description : Oracle Server Test on Server Name (optional)
User Name : <supplied by your Oracle DBA>
Server : <SQL Plus configuration Alias>
7d. Leave the options set to their default values.
8. Create an ODBC Log Data Source in WebAccess Project Manager. Enter the ODBC DSN from step 7 and user name and password from step 3.
9. Select the new ODBC Log Data Source in Project Manager.
Oracle 9i is the current version available from Microsoft. Oracle Client needs to be installed once, on one computer, usually the Project Node.
Oracle 9i can be installed on Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP Professional.
If selected, Oracle will be used by WebAccess to store real-time data used by the Project Logs and Scheduled Reports. Oracle can only be used to replace the bwPdata.mdb database. The configuration database for the tag configuration, trend groups, recipes, scheduler and other configuration database items remain in the Access Database (bwcfg.mdb).
Oracle allows true multiple user access allowing multiple users to access real-time data. Note that Oracle is licensed by the number of connections. Make sure you have a sufficient Oracle user license to allow all users to connect. Only one connection is needed by WebAccess (the project node).