Select Toolbars to
open a cascade menu (see figure) from which you can manage the
interface toolbars and windows.
Figure 1. Toolbars
Toggle the individual toolbars on (checked) or off
(unchecked) to specify whether the toolbars are visible or hidden
in the Development
Note: For a
complete description of the toolbars and windows listed on the
Toolbars menu, see
The Toolbars.
Click one or more of the following icons (or use the
Alt key combinations noted) to
specify whether the
Project Explorer,
Output, and/or
Database Spy windows are visible or hidden.
Figure 2. Displaying
Click Customize to
open the Customize dialog.
You can use the tabs on this dialog to customize your development
environment, as follows…
Commands tab
Commands tab: Use to
customize menu options on the menu bar or on any of the toolbars.
You can select any command from the Commands list and drag it to any menu bar or
to any toolbar in the development environment.
Toolbars tab
Toolbars tab: Use to
customize toolbars for your development environment. Use the
features and options on the Toolbars tab as follows:
- Toolbars list:
Click on items in the list to specify whether the toolbars are
visible (checked) or hidden (unchecked).
- Reset button:
Click to restore default settings for the selected toolbar(s).
- Reset All button:
Click to restore default settings for all toolbar(s).
- New button: Click
to create new toolbars.
- After creating a new toolbar, you can drag icons
from the Commands tab to the
newly created toolbar.
- Rename button:
Click to rename any toolbars you created.
- Delete button:
Click to exclude any toolbars you created.
- Show text labels
checkbox: Click to display the tool labels for a selected
Tools tab
Tools tab: Use to
create shortcuts to external programs so those programs will be
available from the Tools
Use the following icons (located above the
Menu contents pane) to create
a shortcut.
- New (Insert):
Click this icon
to configure the Command, Arguments, and Initial directory options for the
- Delete: Click this
to exclude the selected shortcut.
- Move Item: Click
one of these icons
to shift the shortcut's
position up or down within the Tools menu.
Keyboard tab
Keyboard tab: Use to
configure shortcut keys for different menu commands.
Use the following features to create a shortcut
- Category and
Commands combo boxes: Click the
combo-box button and specify the menu and command for which you
want to define a shortcut key.
- Set Accelerator
for combo box: Select an item from the list to specify the
video accelerator option, if applicable.
- Current Keys
field: Verify the shortcut assigned to a selected command.
- Press New Shortcut
Key text box: Type a shortcut into the box and click the
Assign button to configure a new
shortcut key for a selected command.
- Remove button:
Click to exclude a shortcut key from a selected command.
- Reset All button:
Click to restore the default settings.
Menu tab
Menu tab: Use the
features on this tab to customize context menus.
Use the following features to customize a context
- Show Menus for
combo box: Click the combo-box button to specify which menu
- Reset button(s):
Click to reset the default menu features.
- Menu animations
combo box: Click the combo-box button to specify effects for the
context menu (None, Unfold, Slide, or Fade).
- Menu shadows
checkbox: Click to enable the shadow in the context menus.
- Context menus
combo box: Click the combo-box button to specify
Options tab
Options tab: Use to
customize the general appearance of the toolbars and menus in your
development environment.
- Toolbar pane:
Click the checkboxes to enable (checked) or disable (unchecked) the
- Personalized Menus
and Toolbar pane: Click the
checkboxes to enable (checked) or disable (unchecked) the