To set application privileges

  1. Open the Proficy Portal Administration application.

  2. Click the Roles & Users button.

  3. In the tree, expand the Roles or Users folder and select the role or user you want to set privileges for. You can also set privileges for the users assigned to a role.

  4. Select the Applications tab.

  5. From the list box, select Administration. The options available for the Administration application are displayed.

  6. Select the Run check box to allow the role or user to view the Administration application but not make changes to it, or select the All check box to allow the role or user full access.

  7. From the list box, select Proficy Portal Client. The options available for the Proficy Portal client are displayed.

  8. Select the Run check box to allow the role or user to run the Proficy Portal client but not configure it.

- or -

Select specific privileges you want the role or user to have access to.

- or -

Select the All check box to allow the role or user to run and configure all aspects of the Proficy Portal client.

  1. From the list box, select Statement Builder. The options available for the Statement Builder are displayed.

  2. Select the Run check box to allow the role or user to view the Statement Builder but not make changes to it.

- or -

Select the All check box to allow the role or user to view and make changes to the Statement Builder.

  1. Click the Apply button for your changes to take effect.

See Also


To configure General settings

Securing Folders

Securing Data Sources