This procedure applies to the Grid object only. See To configure an Historian Grid to accept changes for the Historian Grid equivalent.
If you have not already done so, insert a grid into your display. How?
If you have not already done so, add the data source. How?
Select the check boxes for the types of changes to allow (i.e., updating, inserting, deleting).
TIP: If you have not created an SQL statement for the grid update, insert, or delete, refer to the Designing SQL Statements section.
For each check box that you selected, click
the Add button. The Data Source Browser appears.
From the Data Source Browser, select the SQL statement specific to the type of change that will be made and click OK. The Mapping Parameters from Grid Columns dialog box appears.
If the SQL statement you are using contains parameters, map each parameter to a column name. To do this, click the parameter in the Parameters list, then click its corresponding column name in the Column Names list, and click the <<Map>> button. The mapping appears in the Mapping Results list below.
TIP: To remove all mappings, click the Reset button.
When you are finished mapping parameters to column names, click OK.