Code Parameters
The citect.ini
file contains the following code parameters:
- [Code]AlarmShutdown - Obsolete in
version 7.0.
- [Code]AlarmStartup - Obsolete in
version 7.0.
- [Code]AutoReRead - Obsolete in
version 7.0.
- [Code]BackwardCompatibleErrHw
- Controls whether CitectSCADA should be backward
compatible with versions prior to V5.20.
- [Code]CallbackThreads - Limits the
number of tag subscription callback threads that will be executed
- [Code]DebugMessage - Enables/Disables
the DebugMsg() logging functionality.
- [Code]DllCallErrorPopup - Creates
a popup and logs errors on calls to third-party DLLs.
- [Code]DllCallProtect - Helps protects
CitectSCADA from closing
down in the event an external DLL is called and subsequently
becomes inoperative.
- [Code]EchoError - Controls whether
CitectSCADA echoes errors
in Cicode.
- [Code]Export - Controls if your Cicode is to
be halted when an error occurs.
- [Code]HaltOnError - Stops your Cicode
task if an error occurs in some key Cicode functions and generates
a hardware error.
- [Code]HaltOnInvalidTagData -
Stops Cicode when any tag read returns invalid data (bad
- [Code]IgnoreCase - Controls whether
CitectSCADA is case
insensitive to string data in Cicode.
- [Code]IOServerShutdown -
Obsolete in version 7.0.
- [Code]IOServerStartup - Obsolete
in version 7.0.
- [Code]Process - Obsolete in
version 7.0.
- [Code]Queue - The maximum number of elements
in queues.
- [Code]ReportShutdown - Obsolete
in version 7.0.
- [Code]ReportStartup - Obsolete
in version 7.0.
- [Code]ScaleCheck - Controls whether
CitectSCADA checks for
scaling over/under flow errors in Cicode.
- [Code]Shutdown - Obsolete in
version 7.0.
- [Code]ShutdownTime - Specifies the
maximum time allowed for the execution of any Cicode functions
triggered by the [Code]Shutdown parameter.
- [Code]Stack - The size of the stack when
CitectSCADA calls a user
DLL function through the Cicode function DLLCall().
- [Code]Startup - Obsolete in
version 7.0.
- [Code]StrictArgumentCheck -
Determines whether the compiler checks for calls to functions
missing parameters.
- [Code]Threads - The number of Cicode threads
(tasks) that can run concurrently.
- [Code]TimeData - The code subscription rate
(in milliseconds) for I/O tags on a page.
- [Code]TimeSlice - The period (in
milliseconds) that a Cicode thread can run - before it is swapped
- [Code]TimeSlicePage - The period (in
milliseconds) that a Cicode thread can run - before it is
- [Code]TrendShutdown - Obsolete
in version 7.0.
- [Code]TrendStartup - Obsolete in
version 7.0.
- [Code]Unsigned - Determines if the capable
protocols interpret 16 bit integers as unsigned or not.
- [Code]VBASupport - Enables and disables
support for CitectSCADA
- [Code]WriteLocal - Controls whether
CitectSCADA writes to a
local run table in Cicode.
See Also