These parameters can be used to gather runtime information about your CitectSCADA system.Before making adjustments to these parameters you need to understand the concepts and processes described in the Monitoring and Debugging Runtime chapter in the CitectSCADAhelp.
Similarly, the chapter on Communicating with I/O Devices includes a section on Troubleshooting Device Communications that explains how to log drivers.
To access main help, select Citect Help Topics from the Help menu in Citect Explorer or Project Editor. You can then search for the topics mentioned above.
CitectSCADA includes the following logging parameters.
Parameter | Description |
[Alarm]EnableErrorLogging | Enables or disables the logging of operational errors. |
[Alarm]EnableStateLogging | Enables or disables the logging of major alarm system state changes. |
[Code]DebugMessage | Enables the DebugMsg() Cicode function, and controls the logging functionality of the Assert() function. |
[Debug]ArchiveFiles | Enables or disables the archiving of the tracelog.dat log file once the maximum size specified by [Debug]MaximumFileSize is reached. |
[Debug]CategoryFilter | Allows you to filter logging messages sent to tracelog.dat by component category.1 |
[Debug]CategoryFilterMode | Enables logging of categories declared by [Debug]CategoryFilter. 1 |
[Debug]DriverTrace | Enables the Kernel's Driver Trace utility.1 |
[Debug]EnableLogging | Enables or disables logging to the tracelog.dat file.1 |
[Debug]MaximumFileSize | Sets the maximum size for tracelog.dat log file, in kilobytes. |
[Debug]Priority | Allows you to filter messages logged to the tracelog.dat file according to their priority.1 |
[Debug]SeverityFilter | Allows you to filter messages logged to the tracelog.dat file according to their severity.1 |
[Debug]SeverityFilterMode | Enables logging of severities declared by the [Debug]SeverityFilter value.1 |
[Debug]SysLogArchive | Enable the creation of syslog.dat archive files.1,2 |
[Debug]SysLogSize | Sets the maximum size of the syslog.dat file.1 |
[Debug]SysErrDsp | Allows you to disable many system error logs and popup boxes. |
[Dial]Debug | Enables or disables scheduled I/O device debugging. |
[Dial]DebugLevel | Allows you to set the trace level for scheduled I/O device debugging.2 |
[General]Verbose | Enables a startup dialog box which shows the opening runtime databases and other information.1 |
[General]VerboseToSyslog | Sends additional startup information generated by [General]Verbose to syslog.dat.1 |
[Internet]LogFile | Defines where the FTP logs will be saved (for use by the Internet Server). |
[Kernel]ErrorBuffers | Determines the maximum number of error buffers available for logging to the syslog.dat file. |
[Trend]TrendDebug | Used to determine problems with the trend system during commissioning.2 |
For more information on 1 and 2, search the CitectSCADA Help for the topic Adjusting Logging During Runtime. To access the Help, select Citect Help Topics from the Help menu in Citect Explorer or Project Editor.
See also