Variable editor

Variables are declared in the top/right area of the Workbench main window.

The variable editor is a grid tool that enables you to declare all variables of the application. Variables in the editor are sorted by groups:
- global variables
- "retain" non volatile global variables
- I/O variables (each I/O device is a group)
- variables local to a program (including in and out parameters in case of a UDFB).

Please refer to the description of variables in the language reference for a more detailed overview.

Each group is marked with a gray header in the variable list. The "-" or "+" icon on the left of the group header can be used to expand or collapse the group:

Double clicking the header line enables you to sort, show or hide columns, and to apply a filter for each column. Filter is described as a text string that may contain '?' and '*' wildchars.

Using the grid:
Each variable is described with:
creating new variables
using the editing grid
sorting variables of a group

defining structures
defining I/O devices
editing as text

- a name
- a data type and a dimension
- an attribute
- an initial value
- a tag and a description text
- OEM defined properties

- a user group (*)

note: use the "Syb" column to specify if the variable symbol must be embedded, such as defined in the variable properties.

(*) The user group enables logical sorting of variables in the grid.