In the Runtime the Picture type Archive revision is opened with a function call (e.g. button). The online mask of the screen predefined in the editor is opened.
The possible online operations are:
Open another archive and set the filter conditions |
Close currently open archive |
Save changed archive and update sequential archive on request |
Edit selected archive entry. Change value, status change according to "Manual value" |
Insert archive entries into the corresponding archive files. If no archive files exist for this time range then no insertion can take place. An error message is given in the filter list box. |
Delete archive entry. |
Selection of several archive entries and marking of these entries for editing mode. |
A dialog for the display of the archive revision list is opened. Here the column widths for the display and the font can be defined. |
Print out of the opened archive information |
When printing the archives, the file ARV_G.FRM with the corresponding key words is used. The cyclic part is enclosed with "%%" . The file must be stored in the installation path.
Key words |
Date/time stamp of the archive |
Name of the archive |
Date/time stamp of the archive entry |
Variable name of the archive entry |
- @WERT |
Value of the archive entry |
Unit of the archive entry |
Condition text of the archive entry |
Status text of the archive entry |
The buttons are released and locked according to their function. Above the buttons are fields with the displays for:
Archive name |
Short identifier of the currently open archive |
Number of entries |
Total number of entries shown of the process variables (after filter condition!) |
Number I bit |
Number of archive entries with "I bit" status |
The filter list box can be used as a total overview for the set filter and of the editing condition.
Should an archive be opened other than the one placed in the function then, by pressing the 'Open' button, the archive selection mask with the settings for sorting and filter conditions can be opened.
If an archive is open and displayed then the archive values can be changed.