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In the Remote Transport configuration the name of the target system is defined under Configuration parameters.

Automatic setting in server projects:

If the project to be transported is a server project, the name of the remote PC may not be entered in the Remote Transport configuration under Configuration parameters. In this case the Remote Transport always uses the PC entered in the network configuration as Server. So it is guaranteed, that the changes are always transported to the server, which then automatically transports them to all clients!

As a default the Remote Transport is defined so, that it works with TCP/IP without any problems. If there is no entry under [SYS_REMOTE] in the zenOn6.ini, the standard settings are active.

The TIMEOUT, within which a connection problem is noticed, can be changed. This can be necessary with very slow or overloaded networks.

Therefore the following entry in the zenOn6.ini of the remote system has to be changed or created:



Where xx is the number of seconds.

The entry under "Configuration parameters" in the Remote Transport configuration in the local Editor has to be in the following way:

HOST=target system;TIMEOUT=xx;

attention Attention

The entries in the Editor have to correspond with those on the remote system!

Also the TCP/IP port, via which the transport service communicates with the Editor, can be changed. As a default the Remote Transport always uses the TCP port 1101. In certain cases this port can already be occupied by other programs (especially in Novell networks). These changes have to be made by the user.

In the zenOn6.ini on the remote system for the transport service:



xxxx stands for any free TCP port number (e.g.: 5000)

The entry under Configuration parameters in the Remote Transport configuration in the local Editor has to be in the following way:

HOST=target system;PORT=xxxx;