Several FANUC Controls are provided with the HMI for CNC software. You can use them to view and monitor CNC data.
Each FANUC control can have one or more methods that you can access in CimEdit using the object properties dialog box.
Tip: It is strongly recommended that
you become familiar with CimEdit configuration in order to take
full advantage of its powerful features to create graphic screens
for viewing and monitoring CNC data.
You can insert and configure FANUC controls in CimEdit.
Following are steps that provide a configuration overview.
Open a blank CimEdit screen. |
Insert a FANUC control in CimEdit. |
Review FANUC control property values. |
Assign a name to the object. |
Configure an event. |
View runtime data in CimView. |
Guidelines for associating a CimEdit screen
with a Project
You can associate a CimEdit screen that you create with any of your HMI for CNC projects by simply copying the .cim file into the Screens folder for the Project. When the file is copied into the Screens folder, it is available in the project and can be viewed in the right pane of the Workbench by clicking the Screens icon in the directory.
Available FANUC Controls. |
FANUC Control methods and properties. |
About CimEdit. |
HMI for CNC. |
Step 6. Configure screens. |