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The processing of the element occurs from the first value and status combination to the last entry. The first complete coincidence is displayed, if the property overlapping (for symbols from the library) or chained (for texts) has not been activated. The sequence of the verification can be defined and changed by the buttons upwards and downwards. If new combinations are to be included or if existing combinations are to be extracted, then use the respective buttons (New, Delete) for this purpose.

attention Attention

For non-binary variables the value has to be entered in the signal resolution! Settings in the measuring range or the non-linear value adjustment are not supported in this element.

Linked property

Depending on the setting on page Combined Element selection of the symbols, texts or bitmaps


Release linked symbols/bitmaps.


Masking out of the variable value


Enter the numeric value


Masking out of one or more status bits (ATTENTION: not all drivers support variable stati)
– ST_M1..8 = User status bit 1.0.8
– SELEC = Selected bit
– REV = Revision bit
– LAUF = Command initiation run bit
– LZÜ = Timeout
– I_BIT = Invalid bit, disturbed bit
– N_AKT = Not active, switched-off bit
– SM_TR = Fault information/transformer
– LM_TR = Moving contact/transformer
– EWERT = Default value set
- !AKTUAL - GA = General request - SPONT = spontaneous
- SO/WI = Summer/winter time
- AKTUAL (See chapter 'Status administration' 
– not acknowledged See Acknowledge flashing of alarms. If option flashing is set at the limit of the variable, the bit not acknowledged is also set. With the option Acknowledge flashing also acknowledges alarm in the alarm configuration, the alarm is acknowledged and the bit not acknowledged is set to 0.

Configuring the status for variables not yet linked

Sometimes you may have to create a combined element without having an existing variable. For example, if the combined element is supposed to be used in a symbol of the symbol library and it the variable link will be created only after pulling it into the picture.

With a 'dummy' variable you can configure all the states in the combined element even if no existing variables have been linked yet. The only thing that does not work is the test mode.

This is how you create a 'dummy' variable:


If you need to create a formula, see chapter Creating formulas.