Correlation chart properties

NOTE: The Correlation chart configuration dialog box is very similar to that of the XY chart.

Correlation chart: Data Tab

The following fields are available on the Data tab of the Correlation chart.   

Properties available in the Correlation chart: Data tab





The Pens available to the chart from the selected data source.

Any column available to the chart from the data source.

Configure the pens using the additional tabs on the Data tab.

Arrow buttons – moves the selected data source item in the direction of the arrow button.

Data Sources

The data sources used by a chart.

Add button – displays the Data Source Browser.

Delete button – removes the selected data source.

Configure Expression button – displays the Expression Builder. See Expression Builder Properties.

Advanced Settings button – displays the Advanced Settings dialog box. See Advanced Settings Properties.

X Axis

Specifies the X axis to configure.

Values according to the data source that has been selected.

Apply Tab

Applies properties of the selected tab to all pens.

NOTE: Does not apply trend buffer settings (Options tab).


Apply All
Tabs button

Applies properties on all tabs to all pens.

NOTE: Does not apply trend buffer settings (Options tab).


For the Correlation chart, there are six additional tabs within the Data tab:

Pen Tab (Data Tab)

The fields on the Pen tab allow you to configure the appearance and properties of the selected pen.

Properties on the Pen Tab (Data Tab) 




High Limit

The high limit for the selected pen.

Depends on the available data.

To use the limits included in the data source, select the Fetch Limits check box.

Low Limit

The low limit for the selected pen.

Depends on the available data.

To use the limits included in the data source, select the Fetch Limits check box.

Decimal Places

The number of decimal places to display for data source values.

0 to 7 decimal places.

Default is 0 decimal places.

Fetch Limits

Indicates whether to set the limits on the y-axis to match the limits of the data source.

Selected – sets the limits to match the data source limits.

Cleared – uses specified or auto limits.

Auto Limits

Indicates whether to set the high and low limits on the y-axis to match the minimum and maximum values of the data retrieved.

Selected – sets the limits to match the values retrieved from the data source.

Cleared – uses specified or fetch limits.

Show Line

Indicates whether to show the trend line for the selected data source.

Selected – shows the line.

Cleared – hides the line.

Options Tab (Data Tab)

The fields on the Options tab allow you to set the alarm information for the selected data source.

Properties on the Options Tab (Data Tab)




High Alarm Limit

Specifies a number that triggers a change in the color of the y axis line if the y value is above this limit.

Any number.

Low Alarm Limit

Specifies a number that triggers a change in the color of the y axis line if the y value falls below this limit.

Any number.

Enable Alarm

Indicates whether the alarm notification is enabled.

Selected – alarm notification is on.

Cleared – alarm notification is off.

Alarm Line Color

The color the y axis line will become when the y value is outside of the set limits.

Any color available to the system.


NOTE: For real time data sources only.

Specifies the type of strategy to use for trend buffering. Trend buffers are used to hold real time data points as they are sent to a chart for plotting.

All Points – holds the points for a specified duration.

Interval – holds a specified number of points per given time interval. When a point has been added for a defined interval, any additional points that come in during the same interval are dropped.


NOTE: For real time data sources only.

Specifies the number of seconds the real time points will be held in the buffer before they are plotted on the chart.

Any number. The default is 60.

Max Points

NOTE: For real time data sources only.

Specifies the maximum number of points that will be held for the entered duration. When a point has been added for a defined interval, any additional points that come in during the same interval are dropped.

Any number. The default is 15.

X Axis Tab (Data Tab)

The fields on the X Axis tab allow you to configure the appearance of the x axis for the selected pen. This tab will appear only when the x axis is selected.

Properties on the X Axis Tab (Data Tab) 





The number of labels shown on the x axis.

NOTE: If the Same As Labels check box is selected, this field also defines the number of major ticks to display.

0 to 100 labels.

Default is 11 labels.

Major Ticks

The number of major ticks displayed on the x axis.

NOTE: If the Same As Labels check box is selected, this field is disabled.

0 to 100 major ticks.

Default is 7 major ticks.

Minor Ticks

The number of minor ticks displayed between major ticks on the x axis.

0 to 100 minor ticks.

Default is 9 minor ticks.

Show Axis

Indicates whether to show the x axis and its title in the chart.

Selected – shows the x axis and its title.

Cleared – hides the x axis and its title.

Same As Labels

Indicates whether to make the number of major ticks on the x axis equal to the number of time labels.

Selected – number of major ticks is the same as the labels.

Cleared – displays a different number of labels and major ticks.


The side of the chart for the x axis line.

Top – the top of the chart.

Bottom – the bottom of the chart, below the legend. (Default)

Axis Color

The color of the x axis line and tick marks.

Select any color from the color palette.

Axis Title

The title for the x axis.

This property is available in the Time and Event charts.

Any text/numbers.

Show Title

Indicates whether the x axis title is shown.

Selected – shows the title.

Cleared – hides the title.

Decimal Places

The number of decimal places to display on the x axis.

7 decimal points is the maximum number.

Use Scientific Notation

Indicates whether the values on the x axis are displayed with exponents.

Selected – shows exponents.

Cleared – hides exponents.

Y Axis Tab (Data Tab)

The fields on the Y Axis tab allow you to configure the appearance of the y axis for the selected pen. This tab will appear only when the y axis is selected.

Properties on the Y Axis Tab (Data Tab) 





The number of labels shown on the y axis.

NOTE: If the Same As Labels check box is selected, this field also defines the number of major ticks to display.

0 to 100 labels.

Default is 11 labels.

Major Ticks

The number of major ticks displayed on the y axis.

NOTE: If the Same As Labels check box is selected, this field is disabled.

0 to 100 major ticks.

Default is 7 major ticks.

Minor Ticks

The number of minor ticks displayed between major ticks on the y axis.

0 to 100 minor ticks.

Default is 9 minor ticks.

Show Axis

Indicates whether to show the y axis in the chart and its title.

Selected – shows the y axis and its title.

Cleared – hides the y axis and its title.

Same As Labels

Indicates whether to make the number of major ticks on the y axis equal to the number of time labels.

Selected – number of major ticks is the same as the labels.

Cleared – displays a different number of labels and major ticks.

Use Tag Name

Indicates whether to use the pen's tag name as the axis title.

Selected – the pen's tag name is used as the axis title.

Cleared – the axis title is as specified in the Axis Title field.


The side of the chart for the y axis line

Left – the left side of the chart.

Right – the right side of the chart. (Default)

Axis Color

The color of the y axis line and tick marks.

Select any color from the color palette.

Axis Title

The title for the y axis. This field is not available if the Use Tag Name check box is selected.

Any text/numbers.

Show Title

Indicates whether the y axis title is shown.

Selected – shows the title.

Cleared – hides the title.

Decimal Places

The number of decimal places to display on the y axis.

NOTE: This field is available if the data type is numeric.

7 decimal points is the maximum number.

Use Scientific

Indicates whether the values on the y axis are displayed with exponents.

NOTE: This field is available if the data type is numeric.

Selected – shows exponents.

Cleared – hides exponents.

Grid Tab (Data Tab)

The fields on the Grid tab allow you to set the properties for the horizontal grid and the vertical grid. The fields for both horizontal and vertical are identical.

Properties on the Grid Tab (Data Tab) 





Indicates whether the horizontal/vertical grid lines are shown.

Selected – shows horizontal/vertical grid lines.

Cleared – hides horizontal/vertical grid lines.

Draw Lines at Major Ticks

Indicates whether grid lines are displayed at major ticks.

Selected – places grid lines at major ticks.

Cleared – places grid lines according to other set options.

Draw Line
at Minor

Indicates whether grid lines are displayed at minor ticks.

Selected – places grid lines at minor ticks.

Cleared – places grid lines according to other set options.

Number of

Specifies the number of grid lines to display.

NOTE: This field is available for entry only if neither the Draw Line at Major Ticks nor the Draw Line at Minor Ticks check boxes are selected.

Any number from 1 to 100.

Grid Color

Specifies the line color.

Select any color from the color palette.

Grid Style

Specifies the style of the grid line.


Dash Dash

Dot Dot

Dash Dot

Dash Dot Dot

Tool Tips Tab (Data Tab)

The fields on the Tool Tips tab allow you to configure the appearance of and information that appears in Tool Tips.

Properties on the Tool Tips Tab (Data Tab) 





The color for the Tool Tip text.

NOTE: Available only if the Use Pen Line Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Pen

Indicates whether to use the color that is selected as the line color on the Pens tab as the Tool Tip text color.

Selected – the pen line color is used as the text color of the Tool Tip.

Cleared – the text color of the Tool Tip can be changed.


The color for the background of the Tool Tip.

NOTE: Available only if the Use Chart Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Chart

Indicates whether to use the color that is selected as the chart background color as the background for the Tool Tip.

Selected – the chart background color is used for the Tool Tip background color.

Cleared – the Tool Tip background color can be changed.

Use Pen

Indicates whether to use the color that is selected as the line color on the Pens tab for the Tool Tip border color.

Selected – the pen line color is used for the Tool Tip border color.

Cleared – the Tool Tip border color can be changed.

Border Color

The color for the Tool Tip's border.

NOTE: Available only if the Use Pen Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Decimal Places

Specifies the number of decimal places for a value displayed in the Tool Tip.

NOTE: Available only if the Show Y Value in Tool Tip check box is selected.

Any number from 0-7.

Show Y Value

Indicates whether to display the y value in the Tool Tip.

Selected – the y value is shown in the Tool Tip.

Cleared – the y value is not shown in the Tool Tip.

Show X Value

Indicates whether to display the x value in the Tool Tip.

Selected – the x value is shown in the Tool Tip.

Cleared – the x value is not shown in the Tool Tip.

Correlation chart: Chart Tab

The properties on the Correlation chart Chart tab allow you to configure axes, cursors, zooming, scrolling, and regression parameter settings.

Properties in the Correlation chart: Chart tab 




Show Multiple
X Axes

Indicates whether to display one x axis per data source (pen), or one for the whole chart.

Selected – displays one x axis per data source.

Cleared – displays only one x axis in the chart. (Default)

Show Multiple
Y Axes

Indicates whether to display one y axis per data source (pen), or one for the whole chart.

Selected – displays one y axis per data source.

Cleared – displays only one y axis in the chart. (Default)

Stack Y-Axes

Indicates whether to display each data source in its own plotting area and y axis.

Selected – displays each data source in its own plotting area.

Cleared – plotting areas are stacked vertically within the chart.

Show Cursors

Indicates whether to show the cursors in a chart.

Selected – shows the cursors.

Cleared – hides the cursors.

Show Tool Tips

Indicates whether to show the cursor Tool Tips in a chart.

Selected – allows Tool Tips to be visible.

If no values appear in the Tool Tip, go to the Tool Tips tab on the Pen tab and select the Show Value in Tool Tips check box.

Cleared – hides Tool Tips.

Number Cursors

The number of cursors available in a chart.

1 to 10 time cursors.

Default is 1 time cursor.

Horizontal Percent

The percentage to zoom on the x axis.

0 to 100%.

Default is 5%.

Vertical Percent

The percentage to zoom on the y axis.

0 to 100%.

Default is 5%.

Enable Horizontal

Indicates whether to enable x axis zooming in the chart.

Selected – allows horizontal zooming. (Default)

Cleared – prevents horizontal zooming.

Enable Vertical Zoom

Indicates whether to enable y axis zooming in the chart.

Selected – allows vertical zooming. (Default)

Cleared – prevents vertical zooming.

Show Scroll Buttons

Indicates whether to show a chart's scroll buttons.

Selected – shows the scroll buttons.

Cleared – hides the scroll buttons. (Default).

Scroll Percent

The percentage that the chart's left and right scroll buttons move the chart data.

Default is 10%.

The percentage is based on the amount of data displayed by the chart. For example, if the chart shows 5 minutes of data, a 10% scroll moves the chart 30 seconds.

Fast Percent

The percentage that the chart's fast left and right scroll buttons move the chart data.

Default is 100%

The percentage is based on the amount of data displayed by the chart. For example, if the chart shows 5 minutes of data, a 50% scroll moves the chart 2.5 minutes.

Confidence Bands/
Prediction Ellipse:

Indicates whether to show the confidence bands/prediction ellipse on the chart.

Selected – show the confidence bands/prediction ellipse.

Cleared – hide the confidence bands/prediction ellipse.

Confidence Bands/
Prediction Ellipse:
Confidence Limit

A measurement of certainty around the confidence band lines or prediction ellipse. For example, a 95% confidence limit indicates that 95% of the points will be contained within the bands/ellipse.

0.95 (95%)

0.975 (97.5%)

0.99 (99%)

Confidence Bands/
Prediction Ellipse:
Color button

The color of the confidence band lines/prediction ellipse.

Select any color from the color palette.

Confidence Bands/
Prediction Ellipse:
Line Width

The width of the line for the confidence bands/prediction ellipse.

1 - 5. (5 is the widest line.)

Confidence Bands/
Prediction Ellipse:
Line Style

The style of the line for the confidence bands/prediction ellipse


Dash Dash

Dot Dot

Dash Dot

Dash Dot Dot

Regression Line:

Indicates whether to show the regression line (i.e., the trend line that shows the correlation).

Selected – show the regression line.

Cleared – hides the regression line.

Regression Line
Color button

The color of the regression line.

Select any color from the color palette.

Regression Line
Line Width

The width of the regression line.

1 - 5. (5 is the widest line.)

Regression Line
Line Style

The style of the regression line.


Dash Dash

Dot Dot

Dash Dot

Dash Dot Dot

Correlation chart: Legend Tab

Properties in the Correlation chart: Legend tab




Show Legend

Indicates whether to display a legend.

Selected – displays the legend.

Cleared – hides the legend.


Indicates whether the legend is displayed with a background.

Selected – the legend has an invisible background (i.e., the background of the chart displays behind the legend).

Cleared – the legend displays with a background. The color of the background is set in the Style Options tab of this dialog box.


The placement of the legend in a chart.

Top – above the plotting area.

Bottom – under the chart's plotting area. (Default)

Font Size

The point size of the text that appears in the legend.

Point sizes 8 - 72.

Columns To Display Tab (Legend Tab)     

Properties on the Legend Tab (Columns to Display Tab) 




Tag Name

Indicates whether to show the name of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the name of the data sources. (Default)

Cleared – hides the name of the data sources.


Indicates whether to show the description of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the descriptions. (Default)

Cleared – hides the data source descriptions.


Indicates whether to show the values from the data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the values. (Default)

Cleared – hides the data source values.

Eng Units

Indicates whether to show the engineering units of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the engineering units.

Cleared – hides the engineering units. (Default)


Indicates whether to show the retrieval mode (method of calculating the value) of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the retrieval modes.

Cleared – hides the retrieval modes. (Default)


Indicates whether to show the data point interval of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the intervals.

Cleared – hides the intervals.   (Default)

High Limit

Indicates whether to show the high limit of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the high limits.

Cleared – hides the high limits. (Default)

Low Limit

Indicates whether to show the low limit of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the low limits.

Cleared – hides the low limits. (Default)

High Over

Indicates whether to show the high data value of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the high data values.

Cleared – hides the high data values. (Default)

Low Over

Indicates whether to show the low data value of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the low data values.

Cleared – hides the low data values. (Default)

Avg Over

Indicates whether to show the average data value of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the average data values.

Cleared – hides the average data values. (Default)

GMT Offset

Indicates whether to show the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the GMT offsets.

Cleared – hides the GMT offsets. (Default)

Short Time

Indicates whether to show the time zone abbreviation (for example, EST for Eastern Standard Time) of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the time zone abbreviations.

Cleared – hides the time zone abbreviations. (Default)

Long Time

Indicates whether to show the time zone name (for example, Central Standard Time) of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the time zone names.

Cleared – hides the time zone names. (Default)

Time Mode

Indicates whether to show the time mode (i.e. Component time or Item time) for each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the time mode.

Cleared – hides the time mode. (Default)

Start Time

Indicates whether to show the start time for each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the start time.

Cleared – hides the start time. (Default)

End Time

Indicates whether to show the end time for each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the end time.

Cleared – hides the end time. (Default)

Order list

The order of the columns in the legend.

Columns at the top of the list appear at the left of the legend.

Up arrow button – moves the column toward the top of the list and toward the left in the legend.

Down arrow button – moves the column toward the bottom of the list and toward the right in the legend.

Style Options Tab (Legend Tab)     

Properties on the Legends Tab (Style Options Tab) 




Color button

The color of the text in the legend.

This button is available when the Use Pen Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Pen

Indicates whether the color of the legend's text will match the chart's pen color.

Selected – legend matches pen color.

Cleared – legend uses a different color.   Foreground Highlight Color button is enabled.

Color button

The background color of the each cell in the legend.   

This button is available when the Use Plot Background Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Plot
Background Color

Indicates whether the legend's background color will match the color of the chart's plotting area.

Selected – background color matches.

Cleared – background uses a different color. Background Color button is enabled.

Highlight Color

The color used to indicate that a data source is selected in the legend.   

This button is available when the Use Pen Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Pen

Indicates whether the text color of the data source selected from the legend will match the chart's pen color.

Selected – highlight color matches pen.

Cleared – highlight color uses a different color. Foreground Highlight Color button is enabled.

Highlight Color

The cell color of the selected row in the legend.   

This button is available when the Use Plot Background Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Plot
Background Color

Indicates whether the background cell color of the selected row in the legend will match the color of the chart's plotting area.

Selected – background highlight color matches plot background.

Cleared – background highlight color uses a different cell color for the selected row. Background Highlight Color button is enabled.

Color button

The color of the column header text in the legend.   

This button is available when the Use Title Foreground Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Title
Foreground Color

Indicates whether the color of the column header text will match the color of the chart's title text.

Selected – column header color matches title text.

Cleared – column header uses a different color. Header Foreground button is enabled.

Color button

The background color of each header cell in the legend.   

This button is available when the Use Chart Background Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Chart
Background Color

Indicates whether the background color of each legend header cell will match the chart background color.

Selected – header background color matches chart background.

Cleared – header background color uses a different color.   Header Background Color button is enabled.

Maximum Rows Displayed

The maximum number of pens to display when legend scrolling is enabled.

1 to 30 pens.

When the Enable Row Scrolling check box is cleared, the legend shows all pens in the chart.

Enable Row

Indicates whether scrolling for the chart's legend is enabled.

Use this feature to save space in the chart by minimizing the size of the legend.

Selected – legend shows the number of pens defined by the Maximum Rows Displayed field and adds a scroll bar so that you can scroll through the pens in the chart.

Cleared – legend scrolling is disabled.

Hide Legend

Indicates whether the legend header is shown.

Selected – hides the header.

Cleared – shows the header.

Display Selected
Row Bold

Indicates whether to display the text of the selected data source in boldface.

Selected – selected data source is bolded.

Cleared – selected data source is in plain text.

Show Icons

Indicates whether to display a small image of each pen in the chart.

Selected – icons are visible.

Cleared – icons are hidden.

Properties in the Correlation chart: Legend tab




Show Legend

Indicates whether to display a legend.

Selected – displays the legend.

Cleared – hides the legend.


Indicates whether the legend is displayed with a background.

Selected – the legend has an invisible background (i.e., the background of the chart displays behind the legend).

Cleared – the legend displays with a background. The color of the background is set in the Style Options tab of this dialog box.


The placement of the legend in a chart.

Top – above the plotting area.

Bottom – under the chart's plotting area. (Default)

Font Size

The point size of the text that appears in the legend.

Point sizes 8 - 72.

Properties on the Legend Tab (Columns to Display Tab) 




Tag Name

Indicates whether to show the name of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the name of the data sources. (Default)

Cleared – hides the name of the data sources.


Indicates whether to show the description of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the descriptions. (Default)

Cleared – hides the data source descriptions.


Indicates whether to show the values from the data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the values. (Default)

Cleared – hides the data source values.

Eng Units

Indicates whether to show the engineering units of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the engineering units.

Cleared – hides the engineering units. (Default)


Indicates whether to show the retrieval mode (method of calculating the value) of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the retrieval modes.

Cleared – hides the retrieval modes. (Default)


Indicates whether to show the data point interval of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the intervals.

Cleared – hides the intervals.   (Default)

High Limit

Indicates whether to show the high limit of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the high limits.

Cleared – hides the high limits. (Default)

Low Limit

Indicates whether to show the low limit of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the low limits.

Cleared – hides the low limits. (Default)

High Over

Indicates whether to show the high data value of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the high data values.

Cleared – hides the high data values. (Default)

Low Over

Indicates whether to show the low data value of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the low data values.

Cleared – hides the low data values. (Default)

Avg Over

Indicates whether to show the average data value of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the average data values.

Cleared – hides the average data values. (Default)

GMT Offset

Indicates whether to show the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the GMT offsets.

Cleared – hides the GMT offsets. (Default)

Short Time

Indicates whether to show the time zone abbreviation (for example, EST for Eastern Standard Time) of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the time zone abbreviations.

Cleared – hides the time zone abbreviations. (Default)

Long Time

Indicates whether to show the time zone name (for example, Central Standard Time) of each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the time zone names.

Cleared – hides the time zone names. (Default)

Time Mode

Indicates whether to show the time mode (i.e. Component time or Item time) for each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the time mode.

Cleared – hides the time mode. (Default)

Start Time

Indicates whether to show the start time for each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the start time.

Cleared – hides the start time. (Default)

End Time

Indicates whether to show the end time for each data source in the legend.

Selected – shows the end time.

Cleared – hides the end time. (Default)

Order list

The order of the columns in the legend.

Columns at the top of the list appear at the left of the legend.

Up arrow button – moves the column toward the top of the list and toward the left in the legend.

Down arrow button – moves the column toward the bottom of the list and toward the right in the legend.

Properties on the Legends Tab (Style Options Tab) 




Color button

The color of the text in the legend.

This button is available when the Use Pen Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Pen

Indicates whether the color of the legend's text will match the chart's pen color.

Selected – legend matches pen color.

Cleared – legend uses a different color.   Foreground Highlight Color button is enabled.

Color button

The background color of the each cell in the legend.   

This button is available when the Use Plot Background Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Plot
Background Color

Indicates whether the legend's background color will match the color of the chart's plotting area.

Selected – background color matches.

Cleared – background uses a different color. Background Color button is enabled.

Highlight Color

The color used to indicate that a data source is selected in the legend.   

This button is available when the Use Pen Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Pen

Indicates whether the text color of the data source selected from the legend will match the chart's pen color.

Selected – highlight color matches pen.

Cleared – highlight color uses a different color. Foreground Highlight Color button is enabled.

Highlight Color

The cell color of the selected row in the legend.   

This button is available when the Use Plot Background Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Plot
Background Color

Indicates whether the background cell color of the selected row in the legend will match the color of the chart's plotting area.

Selected – background highlight color matches plot background.

Cleared – background highlight color uses a different cell color for the selected row. Background Highlight Color button is enabled.

Color button

The color of the column header text in the legend.   

This button is available when the Use Title Foreground Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Title
Foreground Color

Indicates whether the color of the column header text will match the color of the chart's title text.

Selected – column header color matches title text.

Cleared – column header uses a different color. Header Foreground button is enabled.

Color button

The background color of each header cell in the legend.   

This button is available when the Use Chart Background Color check box is cleared.

Select any color from the color palette.

Use Chart
Background Color

Indicates whether the background color of each legend header cell will match the chart background color.

Selected – header background color matches chart background.

Cleared – header background color uses a different color.   Header Background Color button is enabled.

Maximum Rows Displayed

The maximum number of pens to display when legend scrolling is enabled.

1 to 30 pens.

When the Enable Row Scrolling check box is cleared, the legend shows all pens in the chart.

Enable Row

Indicates whether scrolling for the chart's legend is enabled.

Use this feature to save space in the chart by minimizing the size of the legend.

Selected – legend shows the number of pens defined by the Maximum Rows Displayed field and adds a scroll bar so that you can scroll through the pens in the chart.

Cleared – legend scrolling is disabled.

Hide Legend

Indicates whether the legend header is shown.

Selected – hides the header.

Cleared – shows the header.

Display Selected
Row Bold

Indicates whether to display the text of the selected data source in boldface.

Selected – selected data source is bolded.

Cleared – selected data source is in plain text.

Show Icons

Indicates whether to display a small image of each pen in the chart.

Selected – icons are visible.

Cleared – icons are hidden.


See Also

Correlation chart

Correlation chart calculations

Configuring a Correlation chart