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The object Project is the most central VBA object, as it contains the single modules, as e.g. variables, drivers, ....

The single objects of Project can be found in the collection Projects of the object Application. This way is needed for external applications, that are written e.g. in VB or VC++ and access the COM interface of the control system.

In Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) the current project always is available via thisProject. The validity in ths case is restricted to the current project. If you need to access a project from within another project, then you have to get the appropriate project from the central collection Projects.


FontLists Guid IsGlobal
IsNet Name NetType
Parent Path RemoteTransport
ScreenHeight ScreenWidth Symbols


ALCEngine Alarm Archives
ArchivesED Build Cel
CheckIn CheckOut CreateDynProperty
Decompile Drivers DynPictures
DynPropertiesEnum[GET] DynProperties[GET] DynProperties[PUT]
FileManager Get Interlockings
IsCheckedOut IsDifferent IsLocked
ModulePath[GET] ModulePath[PUT] NetSend
OnlineVariables ParentProject Passwords
Pfs RGMGroups Recipes
Reload Remas ReplaceLinks
RtFunctions Scripts SetUserPropertyStrings
String Tasks Templates
TimeFunctions UndoCheckOut VarAssignments
VarTypes Variables ZenMenus


Active FirePostReload FirePreReload
Inactive OnNetReceive SbToServer


Name Type Description
AKZ String

Equip. ident.

Definition of the equipment identifications in the Industrial Performance Analyzer (IPA).

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ActionOK Boolean

Data export

Active: On successful export of data a message is displayed in the Runtime.
Inactive: The message is surpressed.
Default: inactive.

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Active Boolean

HDD data active

Active: Harddisk data (HDD) are recorded.
Inactive: Harddisk data (HDD) are not recorded.
Default: active.

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AkzMode Long

Equip. ident. with

The definition of the equipments can be entered in the name or the identification of the variable as a prefix. The prefix is separated from the variable identifications or the variable names with an underscore _. This has to be cared for in the variable definition.
Identification: A part of the variable identifications is used for the equipment identification in the Industrial Performance Analyzer (IPA).
Variable name: A part of the variable names is used for the equipment identification.

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AlarmAdminActive Boolean

Alarm message list active

Active: The alarm administration in the Runtime is active. Alarms are recorded and the alarm list is available.
Inactive: No alarms are recorded.
Default: active.

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AlarmAreas SUBITEM Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
The dialog for the definition of the alarm areas opens.
AlarmCELAcknowledge Boolean

Alarm acknowledgement

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
Active: An entry in the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is generated, when an alarm is acknowledged.
Inactive: No entry in the CEL is generated on acknowledging alarms.
Default: inactive.

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AlarmClasses SUBITEM Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
The dialog for the definition of the alarm classes opens. Up to 65535 different alarm classes can be created.
AlarmClsColor Long

Alarm class color

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
do not use: The colors of the alarm classes are not used in the alarm list in the Runtime.
as text color: The colors of the alarm classes are used as text colors for the according entries in the alarm list in the Runtime.
as line background: The colors of the alarm classes are used as background colors for the according entries in the alarm list in the Runtime.
Default: as line background.

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AlarmColorAkn ZT_COLOR

Alarm acknowledged

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
Color for the column for the time acknowledged of the alarms in the alarm list in the Runtime. This color only is used for active alarms, not for historical alarms.

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AlarmColorClr ZT_COLOR

Alarm cleared

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
Color for the column for the time cleared of the alarms in the alarm list in the Runtime. This color only is used for active alarms, not for historical alarms.

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AlarmColorRec ZT_COLOR

Alarm received

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
Color for the column for the time received of the alarms in the alarm list in the Runtime. This color only is used for active alarms, not for historical alarms.

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AlarmDetach Long

Detach alarms

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
If the defined number of alarms in the memory is exceeded, one of the following actions is executed:
reject new: New alarms are ignored and get lost!
detach oldest: The oldest alarm in the memory is moved to the according file, as soon as a new alarm occurs.
detach newest: The newest alarm in the memory is moved to the according file.
Default: detach oldest.

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AlarmFlashAcknowledge Boolean

Flashing acknowledgement

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
Active: Acknowledging the flashing of an element also acknowledges the according alarm itself.
Inactive: Acknowledging the flashing of an element only stops the flashing. The according alarm is not acknowledged.
Default: inactive.

Flashing of elements can be acknowledged by doubleclicking the according element with the right mouse button or by using the function "Acknowledge flashing".

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AlarmGroups SUBITEM Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
The dialog for the definition of the alarm groups opens. Up to 65535 different alarm groups can be created.
AlarmHeader Long

Header AML

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
no header: In the alarm list no header with column titles will be displayed in the Runtime.
fixed header: A fixed header with the according column titles will be displayed in the alarm list.
operable header: An operable header with the according column titles will be displayed in the alarm list. The single columns can be moved in the Runtime, the width can be changed, sorting on single columns is possible.
Default: operable header.

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AlarmMemCount Long

Size of the ringbuffer

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
Size of the alarm memory. In case of an overflow alarms are moved to the alarm archive.
If to many alarms still violate their limits, the value defined here can be exceeded and definitely more alarms are in the memory.
Minimum: 1.
Maximum: 32767.
Default: 100.

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AlarmMsg1 String

Message 1 text

Only available, if the alarm administration and the status line are active:
Text of the first message to be displayed in the status bar in the Runtime. This message is displayed with blue background and white text color.

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AlarmMsg2 String

Message 2 text

Only available, if the alarm administration and the status line are active:
Text of the second message to be displayed in the status bar in the Runtime. This message is displayed with blue background and white text color.

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AlarmMsg3 String

Message 3 text

Only available, if the alarm administration and the status line are active:
Text of the third message to be displayed in the status bar in the Runtime. This message is displayed with blue background and white text color.

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AlarmMsgCnt1 Long

Message 1 number of alarms

Only available, if the alarm administration and the status line are active:
Number of unacknowledged alarms for the first message to be displayed in the status bar in the Runtime. This message is displayed with blue background and white text color.
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 100.
Default: 0.

ATTENTION: The number here has to be lower than the number for message 2.

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AlarmMsgCnt2 Long

Message 2 number of alarms

Only available, if the alarm administration and the status line are active:
Number of unacknowledged alarms for the second message to be displayed in the status bar in the Runtime. This message is displayed with blue background and white text color.
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 100.
Default: 0.

ATTENTION: The number here has to be lower than the number for message 3.

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AlarmMsgCnt3 Long

Message 3 number of alarms

Only available, if the alarm administration and the status line are active:
Number of unacknowledged alarms for the third message to be displayed in the status bar in the Runtime. This message is displayed with blue background and white text color.
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 100.
Default: 0.

ATTENTION: The number here has to be lower than the maximum number of alarms in the memory.

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AlarmStatusActive Boolean

Status line active

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
Active: Whenever an alarm occurs, a red status bar with the alarm information is displayed at the top of the screen in the Runtime. In this status line, the alarm can also be acknowledged with a doubleclick of the right mouse button, if the logged in user has the according rights.
Inactive: No status line is displayed.
Default: active.

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AlarmStatusAlign Boolean

display next

Only available, if the alarm administration and the status line are active:
Active: In the status line in the Runtime all unacknowledged alarms are displayed on top of each other. The next alarm is displayed, after an alarm has been acknowledged by doubleclicking it with the right mouse button. Depending on the property "Display" the oldest or the newest alarm is displayed on top.
Inactive: Always only one alarm is displayed in the status line. The status line is empty, after the alarm has been acknowledged.
Default: active.

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AlarmStatusDisplay Long


Only available, if the alarm administration and the status line are active:
oldest alarm: Depending on the property "display next" only the oldest unacknowledged alarm is displayed in the status line in the Runtime (inactive) or the oldest alarm is displayed on top (active).
newest alarm: Depending on the property "display next" only the newest unacknowledged alarm is displayed in the status line in the Runtime (inactive) or the newest alarm is displayed on top (active).
Default: oldest alarm.

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AlarmStatusFont ZT_SCHRIFT


Only available, if the alarm administration and the status line are active:
Font for the status line in the Runtime.

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AlarmTimeReactive Boolean

Use reactivated time

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
Active: If the same alarm occurs several times consecutively, only one line in the alarm list is generated. Additional information (e.g. alarm counter) can be displayed in the list.
Inactive: Each alarm generates an own line in the alarm list.
Default: inactive.

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AltDataPath String

Data folder

Empty: The standard path is used for saving the alarm, Chronologic Event List (CEL), harddisk, archive data, etc. ("project path\computer name\project name").
Path: The path entered here is used for saving data ("entered path\computer name\project name").

ATTENTION: If the entered path does not exist (network problems, storage card missing), data are lost without warning!

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AmlOnlyStack Long

Save alarm data

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
Only ringbuffer: Only current alarms (alarm.bin) are saved on the harddisk.
Ringbuffer and hist. data: Also historical alarms (*.aml) are saved.
Default: On CE devices only the ringbuffer (alarm.bin) is saved to the harddisk; on PCs also the historic entries (*.aml) are saved.
Default: Default.

The files (alarm.bin and *.aml) are saved in the directory \project directory\computer name\project name.

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AppCloseBox Boolean

Termination box

Only available in network projects:
Active: On closing the Runtime on a server, while clients still are connected, a box is opened, that informs about the closing of the server. The closing of the Runtime on the server is delayed for 1 minute and 10 seconds, so that input actions on the clients can be finished correctly.
Inactive: No such box is opened. The Runtime on the server is immediately closed

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ArchiveChangeToCEL Long

Archive entries

Only available, if the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is active:
No logging: Editing archives is not logged in the CEL.
Log changes: On editing archives the name of the archive, the name of the variable as well as the old and new values and the old and new time-stamps are logged in the CEL.
Default: no logging.

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ArciveOverPeriod Long

Archive evacuation [h]

After the defined time in hours an entry in the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is generated in cause of an error on evacuating archives.
If an ARX file cannot be read, it is renamed to *.AR_ and the next file is processed.
Default: 12 hours.

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AsmActive Boolean

IPA active

Active: The storage of the alarms for the Industrial Performance Analyzer (IPA) is active.
Inactive: Alarms are not saved for the IPA.
Default: inactive.

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AsmAlarmCauseListe String

Alarm causes

Definition of the alarm causes that can be selected from a Combobox during Runtime.
Click on the button to open the configuration dialog.

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AsmBufferSize Long

Buffer size

Maximum number of alarms written to the buffer.
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 4294967295.
Default: 10000.

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AsmCycleTime ZT_ZEIT

Saving cycle

For performance reasons the Industrial Performance Analyzer (IPA) does not keep a continuous connection to the database. Here the time interval for writing alarm information to the database is defined.

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AsmDns String


Definition of the ODBC connection for the database of the Industrial Performance Analyzer (IPA).

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AsmShiftInfoPFS Boolean

Shift from PFS

Active: The current shift for the alarm is read from the Production & Facility Scheduler (PFS).
Inactive: The current shift of the alarm is read from a linked variable and a defined list.
Default: active; but inactive as the IPA is inactive.

ATTENTION: The Production & Facility Scheduler is an optional module and has to be licensed, if it should be used here.

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AsmShiftInfoVariable ZT_VARIABLE

Shift from variable

Only available, if the shift name is not taken from the Production & Facility Scheduler (PFS):
A variable of the type INT can be linked, which gives the information for the current shift.

Example: 1 = morning shift; 2 = day shift; 3 = night shift; -1 = break. The shift name for the analysis can be defined in the property Shift name from list.

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AsmShiftNameListe String

Shift name from list

Only available, if the shift name is not taken from the Production & Facility Scheduler (PFS):
Shift names can be assigned to values of a linked variable.

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AsmShiftNamePFS Boolean

Shift name from PFS

Active: The current shift for the alarm is read from the Production & Facility Scheduler (PFS).
Inactive: The current shift of the alarm is read from a linked variable and a defined list.
Default: active.

ATTENTION: The Production & Facility Scheduler is an optional module and has to be licensed, if it should be used here.

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AsmTable String

Table name

Name of the table in the database of the Industrial Performance Analyzer (IPA).
If it does not exist before, this table is automatically created on the first start of the Runtime.

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AsmUsrLvl Long

To delete

Only users with the according user level can delete entries from the database of the Industrial Performance Analyzer (IPA).

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AsmUsrLvlCause Long

To edit

Only users with the appropriate user authorization can edit entries in the database of the Industrial Performance Analyzer (IPA).

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AutoLogout Boolean

Autom. logout active

Active: The user is automatically logged out, if no user action happens for the defined period of time.
Inactive: The user is not automatically logged off by the system.
Default: inactive.

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AutoLogoutTime Long

Time [min]

Time without user action, after which a user is automatically logged out (in minutes).

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BackPictCount Long

Number f. prev. pict. fct.

Number of the pictures to be inserted in the list for the function "Back to picture".
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 65535.
Default: 10.

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BlinkRate Long

Flash freq. [tenth sec]

Flash rate of elements in tenths of seconds (e.g. input 5 results in flashing every half a second).
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 2147483647.
Default: 5.

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CELAdminActive Boolean

CEL active

Active: The Chronologic Event List (CEL) in the Runtime is active. Events are recorded and the CEL is available.
Inactive: No events are recorded.
Default: aktiv.

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CELClsColor Long

Alarm class color

Only available, if the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is active:
do not use: The colors of the alarm classes are not used in the CEL in the Runtime.
as text color: The colors of the alarm classes are used as text colors for the according entries in the CEL in the Runtime.
as line background: The colors of the alarm classes are used as background colors for the according entries in the CEL list in the Runtime.
Default: as text color.

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sorted text

Text color for the entries in the Chronologic Event List (CEL).

ATTENTION: If the class color of entries comming from the alarm administration is used as the text color, this is treated with a higher priority.

ATTENTION: In order to have the same text color for the entire list, the same color also has to be used for the unsorted entries.

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unsorted text

Only available in SICAM 230.
Text color for unsorted entries in the Chronologic Event List (CEL).

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CELHeader Long

Header CEL

Only available, if the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is active:
no header: In the CEL no header with column titles will be displayed in the Runtime.
fixed header: A fixed header with the according column titles will be displayed in the CEL.
operable header: An operable header with the according column titles will be displayed in the CEL. The single columns can be moved in the Runtime, the width can be changed, sorting on single columns is possible.
Default: operable header.

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CELMemCount Long

Size of the ringbuffer

Only available, if the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is active:
Size of the CEL memory. In case of an overflow entries are moved to the CEL archive.
Minimum: 1.
Maximum: 32767.
Default: 100.

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CELPokeAck Boolean

Function Set SV

Only available, if the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is active:
Active: Successful writing of values to the hardware leads to a corresponding entry in the CEL.
Inactive: Successful writing of values is not logged in the CEL.
Default: inactive.

ATTENTION: This functionality only works for writing values with the function "Send value to hardware" and if this option is activated in the function.

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CELSpontan Boolean

update automatically

Only available, if the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is active:
Active: While the CEL is open in the Runtime, new entries are added immediately, as soon as they occur.
Inactive: While the CEL is open, no new entries are added. The new entries are added the next time, the CEL is opened.
Default: active.

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CELSysMsgPrint Boolean

Print system messages

Active: System messages are printed in online printing.
Inactive: System messages are not printed in online printing.
Default: active.

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CelOnlyStack Long

Save CEL data

Only available, if the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is active:
Only ringbuffer: Only a defined number of CEL entries (cel.bin) is saved. The number is defined under 'Size of the ringbuffer'.
Ringbuffer and hist. data: All CEL entries (*.cel) are saved.
Default: On CE devices only the ringbuffer (cel.bin) is saved; on PCs also the historic entries (*.cel) are saved.
Default: default.

The files (cel.bin and *.cel) are saved in the directory \project directory\computer name\project name.

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ChangeLogAktiv Boolean

History of changes active

Active: Changes in the project are logged.
Inactive: Changes in the project are not logged.
Default: inactive.

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ChangeLogCheckout Boolean

Autom. Allow changes

Only available in multi-user projects and if the history of changes is active:
Active: Changes for entries of the list are automatically allowed, if comments are added. They have to be accepted by hand.
Inactive: Comments can only be added, after changes for the entries in the list have been allowed by hand.
Default: inactive.

ATTENTION: When activated this functionality needs a lot of performance.

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ChangeLogState Long

Detailling level

Only available, if the history of changes is active:
Object: Only the object names of changed objects are recorded in the list. Details about the changed properties or their values are not listed in the history of changes.
Properties: Additionally to the object names the changed properties and their new values are listed in the history.
Values: This option offers the most detailled information. Additionally to the new value of a changed property ist old is recorded. So full tracing on the value level is possible.
Default: Properties.

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ClearTypeFont Boolean

ClearType fonts

Active: ClearType fonts are used in the Runtime.
Inactive: Windows standard fonts are used in the Runtime.
Default: active.

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CursorVisible Boolean

Cursor visible

Active: The cursor in the Runtime is visible.
Inactive: The cursor in the Runtime is invisible. So in projects with touchscreen the cursor can be switched off.
Default: active.

ATTENTION: This functionality only works in elements of the control system (pictures, elements, ...) but not with Windows standard elements (title bars, menus, scroll bars, ...). For this the cursor has to be deactivated directly in the operating system.

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DataSource Long

RGM data storage

Select the desired data storage for the recipe group manager from the dropdown list. If you wish to use your project under Windows CE at a later time, you have to select binary files (CE compatible). Converting data at a later time is not possible.

Default: MS Access DB

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DelUser Boolean

Deleting users

Active: It is allowed to delete users in the Runtime.
Inactive: It is only allowed to mark users as deleted. The users stay in the list of users but are no longer valid for Runtime operation (according to FDA).
Default: active.

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DisabledButtonStyle Long

locked text buttons

Only available if the property is Temp. login active inactive.
Defines the look of buttons that are locked due to the configuration of the user authorization.

Possible formats:

  • Grey
  • Normal
  • Invisible

Default: Normal

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DriverInvisible Boolean

Driver invisible

Active: Started drivers are not displayed in the task bar.
Inactive: Started drivers are displayed in the task bar.
Default: active.

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EditSignature Boolean

Signature text editable

Active: In the Runtime a dialog for editing the signature text is opened.
Inactive: The signature text cannot be edited in the Runtime.
Default: inactive.

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EnableMenu Boolean

Main menus active

Active: A bar at the top of the Runtime window is reserved for the display of the menus.
Inactive: No main menus are displayed in the Runtime.
Default: inactive.

ATTENTION: This option has to be activated, if main menus are used.

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ExportUnicode Boolean

Text export in Unicode

Active: Text export in Unicode files.
Inactive: Text export in ANSI files.
Default: inactive.

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FileReplace Boolean

Replace files

Active: If during a data export a file is overwritten, a message is displayed in the Runtime.
Inactive: The message is surpressed.
Default: inactive.

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FileWatcher Boolean

Index Runtime files

Active: A directory cache for the Runtime data is activated for higher performance.
Inactive: The directory cache is not used.
Default: inactive.

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FillData Boolean

Data buffering

Active: HD data are saved in a defined time interval. With longer intervals it may occur that more data have to be saved.
Inactive: HD data are saved as they occur.
Default: active.

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FuncActive Boolean

Autom. function execution active

Active: Automatically execute a function, if the station has not been used for a defined period of time.
Inactive: Disable this functionality.
Default: inactive.

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FuncActiveTime ZT_ZEIT

Time without operation

Only available, if the automatic function call is active:
Enter the period of time, that has to pass without any user action, to automatically execute a function.

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Only available, if the automatic function call is active:
Function, which should be executed after a defined time without any user input.
If more than one function should be executed here, a script with all the desired functions has to be created and the function for executing the script is linked here.

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FunctionID Long Only available, if the automatic function call is active:
Function that should be executed after defined time without any user input.
If more than one function should be executed here, a script with all the desired functions has to be created and the function for executing the script is linked here.
GUID String

Project ID

Each project is identified by a unique GUID. This property cannot be changed.
This is also the name of the subdirectory in the SQL directory, where the project is stored.

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IMMDns String


Definition of the ODBC connection for the database of the Industrial Maintenance Managers (IMM).

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IMMTableDevice String

Table for devices

Name of the table in the database for the devices.

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IMMTableDoc String

Table for documents

Name of the table in the database for the documents.

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IMMTableHist String

Table for history

Name of the table in the database for the history.

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IMMTableMaint String

Table for maint. works

Name of the table in the database for the maintenance works.

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IMMUserLvl Long

Authorization group

User authorization needed for deleting data from the database.

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InvalidInput Boolean

Erroneous input

Active: In case of invalid user input (setting values, logging in, etc.) according messages are displayed in the Runtime.
Inactive: The messages are surpressed. For this case bit variables are available in the system driver, with which an individual reaction on invalid inputs is possible by linking a function to the limit.
Default: active.

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KeyboardPixelHorz Double

Horizontal movement [pixel]

Horizontal distance (in pixels) to the selected element for the desired position of the automatic keyboard.
Default: 2.

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KeyboardPixelHorzAlt Double

Horizontal movement [pixel]

Horizontal distance (in pixels) to the selected element for the alternative position of the automatic keyboard.
Default: 2.

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KeyboardPixelVert Double

Vertical movement [pixel]

Vertical distance (in pixels) to the selected element for the desired position of the automatic keyboard.
Default: 2.

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KeyboardPixelVertAlt Double

Vertical movement [pixel]

Vertical distance (in pixels) to the selected element for the alternative position of the automatic keyboard.
Default: 2.

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KeyboardPosHorz Double


Horizontal position of the automatic keyboard for the desired position.

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KeyboardPosHorzAlt Double


Horizontal position of the automatic keyboard for the alternative position.

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KeyboardPosVert Double


Vertical position of the automatic keyboard for the desired position.

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KeyboardPosVertAlt Double


Vertical position of the automatic keyboard for the alternative position.

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KeyboardSize Long

Keyboard size [%]

Size of the automatic keyboard in relation to the original size in percent.
Minimum: 50.
Maximum: 300.
Default: 100.

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LimitFunctionOnStart Boolean

Execute limit function at RT start

Active: On starting the Runtime a function linked to a limit is newly executed.
Inactive: On starting the Runtime a function linked to a limit is not newly executed.
Default: active.

ATTENTION: This property only is valid for limits, which are no alarms!

Example 1: The Runtime is closed and no limit is violated. Then a limit is violated and some time afterwards the Runtime is started. If the limit is an alarm, the linked function is executed on starting the Runtime. If the limit is no alarm, the setting of this property is used.
Example 2: The Runtime is closed and a limit, which is no alarm, is violated. The linked function has been executed at the moment, when the limit has been viloated. When restarting the Runtime, this limit still is violated. Depending on this property the linked function is executed again.

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LockFillColor ZT_COLOR

Filling color

Only available, if a lock symbol should be displayed:
Filling color of the lock symbol.

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LockLineColor ZT_COLOR

Line color

Only available, if a lock symbol should be displayed:
Line color of the lock symbol.

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LongDynLimits Boolean

Long limit texts AML

Determines whether the comment field for dynamic limit texts is available. The dynamic limit allows you to insert the current values of other variables in the limit text of a variable.
Active: Dynamic contents will be stored in a file with the file format D*.AML, which will be stored in addition to the file A*.AML The comment field can be used for comments of up to 256 characters.
Inactive: The comment field is used for dynamic limit texts and is therefore not available for comments.
Default: inactive.

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LongDynLimits Boolean

Long limit texts CEL

Determines whether the comment field for dynamic limit texts is available. The dynamic limit allows you to include the current values of other variables in the limit text of a variable.

Active: Dynamic contents will be stored in a file with the file format D*.CEL , which will be stored in addition to the file A*.CEL The comment field can be used for comments of up to 256 characters.

Inactive: The comment field is used for dynamic limit texts and is therefore not available for comments.
Default: inactive.

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MainWindowStyle Long

Runtime title

Window style of the Runtime main window.

ATTENTION: If this property is changed in the Editor, the Runtime has to be restarted. A reaload will not work, because in this case the main window of the Runtime is not closed and reopened.

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MaxPrintJobs Long

Max. print jobs

Maximum number of print jobs which are stored in the Print Manager of Windows. If this number is exceeded, an entry in the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is generated.
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 65535.
Default: 90.

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MinPwLength Long

Min. password length

Number of characters, a password must have as a minimum.
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 20.
Default: 6.

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MultiUser Boolean

Multiuser project

Active: The project is used as a multiuser project. In the project tree there is an additional node "Under construction".
Inactive: The project is used as single-user project.
Default: inactive.

This property can only be activated in the context menu of the project.
ATTENTION: Activating this property cannot be undone.

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Name String

Project name

Unique name of the project.
This name only serves for readability reasons (internally the GUID is used).

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NetActive Boolean

Net active

Active: The project is used in a network. A server has to be defined.
Inactive: The project is a standalone project.
Default: inactive.

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NetDataServer Boolean

Standby as data server

Only available, after a standby server has been selected:
Active: The standby server is used as a data server, i.e. the standby server has the connection to the hardware and passes on data to the server.
Inactive: The sever itself is used as a data server.

Mainly for use with Windows CE the data server model was developped. The data server is a computer with direct communication to the process but no server tasks. In normal operation the data server sends all data to the server, which manages the data storage and the data distribution. In the case of a network or server breakdown the data server works on as a single station, and therefore guarantees proper operation of the process. As soon as the server connection is reestablished, the data are transferred.
Field of usage: Local operation device, which has no high performance hardware (e.g. IPC or CE terminal). The complete data archiving and data distribution takes place on a server. In case of network problems proper local operation of the process continues. This is not the case in a classic client server network.

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Only available, after a server has been selected:
This station becomes the server, if for any reason the defined server fails.

ATTENTION: You have to care, that both servers have the same system time.
The defined server overtakes the server tasks and provides data for the connected clients. The connected standby server works like a client but stores all the data redundantly. This means that while storing the data redundantly the standby server displays the data of the server (just as a client).
When the server breaks down the standby server realizes that after the timeout and becomes the new server. All connected clients are informed, that the standby server now is the new active server and are reconnected to it. In order to avoid loss of data during the timeout the standby server works with an intermediate buffer. When switching this intermediate buffer is loaded into the process data, so that even between the breakdown of the server and the realisation of the breakdown no loss of data can occur.
If the original server is started again the system automatically realizes that. The projected (original) server updates its data and again is the server. This guarantees, that server and standby server have the same data even for the time of the server breakdown.
The standby server gives up its server tasks and again becomes the standby server.

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Only available in network projects:
Network projects need a station connected to the hardware. The clients connect to this station.

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NetTimeout Long

Timeout [s]

Only available in network projects:
In a network a watchdog checks the connection to the server. Watchdogs are sent to the server every third of the defined timeout. In the cycle of the timeout the system checks, if at least one of the three sent watchdogs got an answer of the server. If only one of the three watchdogs got a positive response from the server, the connection is thought to be working.
The communication to the server is only checked via the watchdog functionality!

ATTENTION: The network timeout has to be at least the half of the TCP timeout of the operating system.

WAN networks or dial connections
The main difference to traditional networks (LAN) is, that here no permanent connection (dedicated line) should be kept on-line.
As the communication with the server is checked via a so-called watchdog, a permanently on-line connection would be established when using the default timeout.
To avoid this the timeout is accordingly increased (e.g. timeout = 64.800 sec = 18 h; i.e. a watchdog is sent to the server every six hours). This would also mean, that a crash of the server would be recognized only after 18 hours (timeout).
Startup of the client: Here a fixed timeout of 30 seconds is used.
"Picture switch" function (active request of data): Here the system checks, if a watchdog has been sent to the server within the last 30 seconds. If this did not occur, a watchdog is immediately sent to the server, and the system waits 40 seconds for a response.
If a server crash is recognized, the network service of the control system automatically tries 1 reconnect every 30 seconds. This would lead to a permanently on-line connection in WAN-environment.
With the following two entries in the zenOn6.ini this behaviour can be changed.
Here the given default time (30000 msec) can be increased, in which the network service tries a reconnect.
Maximum: see timeout.
Here the number of reconnect retries for every cycle can be defined.
Default is 0 retries, i.e. 1 reconnect try.

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NetTokenActive Boolean

Authorization in network active

Only available in network projects:
This authorization guarantees, that only one station at the time can operate the process.
Active: Only one station at the time can operate the project (e.g. acknowledging alarms, setting values).
Inactive: Several stations can operate the project at the same time.
Default: inactive.

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NetTokenQuestion Long

Timeout for request [s]

Only available, if the authorization in the network is active:
If the authorization in networks is hold, it can be asked for by another station. During the time stated here the request has to be answered. Otherwise the other station automatically gets the authorization.

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NetTokenQuit Long

Timeout for acknowledgement [s]

Only available, if the authorization in the network is active:
Within this time the station (client) having the authorization must contact the server. If this does not happen, the authorization is automatically released.

ATTENTION: This value must be smaller than the timeout.

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NetType Long

Redundancy type

Only available after a computer has been specified in the property Standby !

The control system supports two redundancy types:

Software redundancy: The system consists of one PLC and two redundant control system computers. Both computers must have a connection to the PLC. The drivers are constantly updating data from the PLC on both computers. The bidirectional communication is managed by the computer that is the server. If the server crashes, the standby server takes over the bidirectional communication with the PLC.

Hardware redundancy: The system consists of two redundant PLCs and two redundant control system computers. Each server communicates bidirectionally with one PLC. Both computers and both PLCs are synchronizing their data. If one component in the first system crashes, the second system takes over.

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PWValid Long

Pwd. period of validity [D]

Time (in days) for which a password is valid. After that time the password must be changed.
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 4294967295.
Default: 0. This means, that no cyclic change of the password is necessary.

ATTENTION: FDA demands a cyclic change of the password, so here the entry 0 is not allowed.

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PasswordTries Long

Max. password error

Number of invalid password inputs.
If this number is exceeded, the according user is locked. An according entry in the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is generated. He can only be unlocked by an administrator.
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 65535.
Default: 3.

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PredefFilter String

Pre-define time filter

Here time filters for the picture type the Industrial Performance Analyzer (IPA) can be pre-defined.

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PrintActive Boolean

Printing active

Active: Chronologic Event List (CEL) or alarm list is printed online; i.e. with each occurring event or alarm one entry is printed and then the printer waits.
Inactive: There is no online printing.
Default: active.

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PrintCEL Long

Printing for

Only available, if online printing is active:
Alarm: The alarm list is printed online.
CEL: The Chronologic Event List (CEL) is printed online.
Default: Alarm.

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PrintLines Long

Lines per page

Only available, if online printing is active:
Number of lines per page for online printing.
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 65535.
Default: 72.

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RTVersion Long

Create RT files for

Default: The Runtime files are created in the current version of the Editor.
6.20 SP4: The Runtime files are created in version 6.20 service pack 4.
6.21 SP0: The Runtime files are created in version 6.21 service pack 0.
6.21 SP1: The Runtime files are created in version 6.21 service pack 1.

ATTENTION: In order to guarantee consistency of the Runtime files, you have to create all Runtime files after each change of this property. The configuration settings of all drivers are also converted. Settings not existing in the according version are set to default.

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RecipeChangeToCEL Long

Change recipes

Only available, if the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is active:
No logging: Changing standard recipes and recipes of the Recipegroup Manager (RGM) is not logged in the CEL.
Log recipes: If a recipe is changed, this is logged in the CEL with the name of the recipe.
Log recipes and values: If a recipe is changed, this is logged in the CEL with the name of the recipe and the names and old and new values of the changed variables.
Default: no logging.

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RecipeWriteToCEL Long

Send recipes

Only available, if the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is active:
No logging: Executing standard recipes and recipes of the Recipegroup Manager (RGM) is not logged in the CEL.
Log recipes: If a recipe is sent to the hardware, this is logged in the CEL with the name of the recipe.
Log recipes and values: If a recipe is sent to the hardware, this is logged in the CEL with the name of the recipe and the names and old and new values of the variables.
Default: no logging.

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ReportFont Boolean

Table font adjustable

Ermöglicht, dass bei Bildern des Typs Rezeptgruppen-Manager die Schrift einstellbar ist. Es wird die in der die Eigenschaft Font projektierte Schriftart verwendet. Ansosnten ist diese Eigenschaft wirkungslos.

Wird eine benutzerdfinierte Tabelle (mit Report Generator erstellt) verwendet, werden die im Report festegelegten Schriften verwendet.

Default: Inakiv

RuntimeLasso Boolean

Runtime lasso

Active: By moving the mouse with pressed left mouse button several elements can be selected in the Runtime. A VBA macro then can access these elements.
Inactive: The lasso functionality is not used.
Default: inactive.

ATTENTION: This is only true for elements, which are 'Accessible via keyboard' and are linked to a variable. Simple static elements are not selected.

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SameComments Boolean

Same comments

Active: Comments entered for an alarm in the Runtime are also stored with the corresponding Chronologic Event List (CEL) entry.
Inactive: The comments are only stored in the alarm list.
Default: inactive.

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SaveAmlStack Boolean

Save ring buffer spontaneously

Only available, if the alarm administration is active:
Active: Each change of the alarm list data leads to saving the data (alarm.bin).
Inactive: Alarm list data (alarm.bin) is saved, when the Runtime is closed or the function for saving the ringbuffer is executed.
For performance reasons this property can be deactivated.

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SaveCelStack Boolean

Save ring buffer spontaneously

Active: Each change of the Chronologic Event List (CEL) data leads to saving the data (cel.bin).
Inactive: CEL data (cel.bin) is saved, when the Runtime is closed or the function for saving the ringbuffer is executed.
For performance reasons this property can be deactivated.

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SelBorder Boolean

Selection with border

Active: In alarm list/Chronologic Event List (CEL) selected lines are indicated by a border for better readability with high screen resolutions.
Inactive: The background color of selected lines is inverted for better readability with low screen resolutions.
Default: inactive.

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ShowLock Boolean


Active: If the authorization for an element is not granted because of the authorization level or an interlocking, this element is marked with a lock symbol.
Inactive: Elements without authorization are not especially indicated.

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ShowNotTranslated Boolean

Display not translated keywords

Active: Keywords, which have no translation in the currently selected language table, are displayed in the Runtime (e.g. "@Text").
Inactive: An empty string is displayed in the Runtime, if no translation for the according keyword exists.

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StartPictureGuid ZT_PICTURE

Start picture

On starting the Runtime this picture is automatically opened. The first picture created in a project will automatically be entered here.
Opens the picture selection dialog.

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StartPictureList ZT_PICTURE

Start picture

StartPictureName ZT_PICTURE This property gets/sets the start picture of the project.
SysKeyLock Boolean

Lock system keys

Active: System keys (Alt-Esc, Ctrl-Esc, Alt-Tab, Alt-F4, etc.) are locked in the Runtime.
Inactive: System keys are not locked.
Default: inactive.

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TempLogin Boolean

Temp. login active

Active: If a user is not logged in and tries to operate an element, which requires authorization, the user is asked for his identification and password.
Inactive: If a user is not logged in and tries to operate an element, which requires authorization, the user is simply informed, that he is not allowed to execute the function.
Default: active.

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Touchscreen Boolean

Autom. keyboard

For projects with touchscreen.
Active: A virtual keyboard is automatically opened, whenever a user input is necessary (e.g. setting values or logging in).
Inactive: No virtual keyboard is opened.
Default: inactive.

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TrendMilliSec Boolean

Trend and HD values in milliseconds

Active: Display and internal processing of the HD values and the refresh of active pictures is done in milliseconds.
Inactive: Display and internal processing of the HD values and the refresh of active pictures is done in seconds.
Default: active.

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UseActiveDirectory Boolean

Access to Active Directory

Active: The user administration of the control system also uses Windows users.
Inactive: The user administration of the control system does not use Windows users.
Default: inactive.

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UseAntialiasing Long

Use antialiasing

Schaltet die Kantenglättung von Linien ein. Dadurch werden vor allem schräge Linien grafisch wesentlich ansprechnder dargestellt. Der Treppeneffekt entfällt.

Nachteil: Antialising kann die Bildumschaltzeiten besonders abei älteren Betriebssystemen (bis Windows XP) verlängern.

Mögliche Optionen sind:

Ein: Kantenglättung immer aktiv

Aus: Kantenglättung deaktiviert

Default: Auf Windows Vista und neueren Betriebssystemen ist die Kantenglättung aktiviert, bei älteren Betriebssystemen (Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003) deaktiviert.

Default: Default

UseGDIplus Boolean

Extended graphical functions

Active: The extended graphical functionality is used. Lines in elements are smoothed.
Inactive: The extended graphical functionality is not used.

ATTENTION: The extended graphical functionality is not available under Windows CE.

HINT: On switching during engineering graphical errors may occur, so this property should be set before creating pictures. For new projects this functionality is recommended.
This property can influence the time for picture switches considerably. So it is not recommended for computers with slow graphics output.

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UserTries Long

Max. user error

Number of invalid user name inputs.
If this number is exceeded, the system is locked. An according entry in the Chronologic Event List (CEL) is generated. No users except administrators will be able to log in. If an administrator logs in, the system is automatically unlocked.
Minimum: 0.
Maximum: 65535.
Default: 3.

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VarIdentifier Long

Display variables with

Display variables in the Runtime with:
If you click the element in the Runtime with the right mouse button and keep it pressed, depending on this property the name, the identification or the address of the variable is displayed as information.
Additionally this property is used for the default display in the legend of the Trend element.
And this property is also used for the display of the Trend element and in the dialogbox of the Multibin element in the Editor.
Address: Variables are displayed with their addresses.
Identification: Variables are displayed with their identifications.
Name: Variables are displayed with their names.
Default: name.

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WindowsCE Boolean

Windows CE project

Active: Functionality, which is not supported under Windows CE, is disabled (greyed or invisible) in the Editor.
Inactive: All licensed functionality in the Editor is available.
Default: inactive.

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WorkingPath ZT_FILE

Runtime folder

Directory for the Runtime files of the project.
The compiled Runtime files are stored in this directory and the Runtime start path is set to this directory.
As a default the path entered when creating the project is used here. The directory can be changed here.

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Sub ProjectExample()

'Return the name of the actual project
MsgBox "Name of the actual project = " & thisProject.Name
'Return the SQL path of the project
MsgBox "Project path = " & thisProject.Path
'Return the unique GUID of the project
MsgBox "GUID of the project = " & thisProject.DynProperties("GUID")
'Return the number of pictures in the project
MsgBox "Number of pictures = " & thisProject.DynPictures.Count
'Return the number of variables in the project
MsgBox "Number of variables = " & thisProject.Variables.Count
'Return the number of templates in the project
MsgBox "Number of templates = " & thisProject.Templates.Count
'Return the number of functions in the project
MsgBox "Number of functions = " & thisProject.RtFunctions.Count

End Sub