Template Displays allow all tags to be viewed using one of a few templates. For example, the Block detail displays allow a single graphic display, including animation, to be used to view all blocks tags of the same block type. Using only 6 Block Detail Displays (one for each VAV Controller Type in the facility) a WebAccess user views over 300 VAV Controllers. This dramatically reduces time to implement a system, by reducing display building (or the time to copy a display and replace all the names). Additional Block Tags (VAV Controllers) that are added to the system are viewed instantly without building or modifying a display.
Many drivers come with default block displays for commonly used block types (e.g. PID controllers, Air Handlers and VAVs).
The default Analog Point Display allows all analog tags to be viewed using this one display. Similarly, the Digital Point Detail and Text Point Detail allow all tags to be viewed without any display building.
The Pre-built Template displays provide an “Out-of-the-Box” solution. Using WebAccess, you can download and start controlling without any display building. This reduces the work to build a functioning system and allows commissioning to begin before user-built displays are complete
Template displays include:
Alarm Summary – view all current alarms
Alarm Log – view last 10,000 alarms
Action Log – view last 10,000 operator actions
Analog Point Detail – view all Analog-type Tags
Digital Point Detail – view all Discrete-type Tags
Text Point Detail – view all Text-type Tags,
Block Detail – view all Blocks of the same Block Type with one Display (or group of displays)
Data Log Trend – View Historical Trend Data from Hard Drive vs. Time in a graphic line plot. 12 tags per display.
Data Log X-Y Plot – View Historical Trend Data from Hard Drive in an X-Y Plot of 11 tags versus a 12th tag.
Real Time Only Trend – View current Trends vs. Time in a graphic line plot. 12 tags per display without recording to Hard Drive
Real Time Only Plot– View current Trends vs. Time in an X-Y Plot of 11 tags versus a 12th tag without recording to Hard Drive.
Faceplate Group – A Text Only display allows viewing all Blocks and Tags assigned to a Faceplate group. Mimics the Faceplates of DCS systems.
Overview – A Text only display allows viewing all Faceplate Groups. Mimics DCS displays.
Station Status – shows communications status of Comports and Devices.
Global Script Status – shows status of Tcl Scripts running on the SCADA Node.
User Program Status – shows status of any User Programs running on the SCADA Node.
Engineers and technicians, using DRAW, can edit template displays.
The following displays are pre-built. WebAccess uses these as a "template" and fills in the data fields with the real-time data for the selected Tag or Group. This allows one graphic template to be used to view many tags as if it where multiple copies of the same display. The for example, the Point Detail Display ensures every tag in the system can be viewed by at least one pre-built graphic. The source (DRAW) files typically have the *.dxx extensions, although *.drw files can be used. The runtime (VIEW) files usually must have the *.bxx extension to function with the pushbuttons, keymacros and menus.
Block Detail Displays - provide access to detailed information about a multiple parameter block type tag, such as measurement, setpoint, output and tuning parameters. Block Detail Displays are commonly used to view PID controllers. A single block detail display can be used to view all tags of the same Block Type. Engineers and technicians can modify these. Default Block detail displays are provided for many Web Access Device types and Drivers.
There can be multiple pages assigned to a block detail display, numbered *.BD1, *.BD2, *.BD3 etc. For example, a multiple page for a VAV Block would have VAV.BD1, VAV.BD2 and VAV.BD3. For More information, see Blocks, section 5 and Block Detail Display, section 9.2.3.
The file extension for source (DRAW)
files are: *.DXX
The file extension for runtime (VIEW) files are: *.BDX
(where x is an integer starting with 1).
Trends and X-Y Plots — present real-time and historical data in trends and x-y plots. WebAccess uses template(s) to generate all Trend Displays from user specified Trend Groups. The user can edit the default template to customize the appearance of trends. There are four trend types: Real-time trends, Data Log Trends, Real-time XY plots and Data Log X-Y plots. Real-time trends do not record data to the hard drive and are typically used for temporary data like tuning. Data Log trends access Data Log records from the hard drive of the SCADA node and update in real-time. For more information, see Data Logging & Trends, section 6 .
The default source (DRAW) files for
trends are: DLogTRD.DXX, DLogXYP.DXX, RealTRD.DXX, and
The runtime (VIEW) files for trends are: DLogTRD.BXX, DLogXYP.BXX,
RealTRD.BXX, and RealXYP.BXX
Recipe Displays — These list the preset and current values for dynamic points listed in recipe files, which are set up using the Recipe Handler option. For more information, see Recipes, section 13.
The default source (DRAW) file for
Recipes is: Recipe.DXX
The runtime (VIEW) files for Recipes: Recipe.BXX
Overview Group Displays — summarize the information contained in faceplate groups. Web Access generates all overviews from a default template graphic. Users can modify this template in the Graphics Builder. By building a list of Tags using the Faceplate Group properties page in the WebAccess Project Manager, WebAccess will generate a large number of displays quickly. For more information, see Overview Display, section 9.3.2.
The default source (DRAW) file for
Overview is: Ovrgrp.DXX
The runtime (VIEW) files for Overview is: Ovrgrp.BXX
Faceplate Group Displays — summarizes the information for a group of 8 tags. The user specifies the tag names. WebAccess uses the same faceplate template to view all Faceplate Groups. This is a fast way to view a large number of tags, both block type and single point tags, by simply specifying the tag names in a list. Users can edit the Faceplate Template display in the Display Editor.
For more information, see "System & Template Displays” or Faceplate Group Display, section 9.3.1.
The default source (DRAW) file for
Overview is: fplgrp.dxx
The runtime (VIEW) files for Overview is: fplgrp.BXX
Point Detail Displays — provide access to detailed point information, such as alarms, alarm limits, communications status and other "fields" associated with the tag. Three default Point Detail displays are provided:
· Analog.BPD can view all analog-type tags in the system.
· Digital.BPD can view all Discrete-type tags in the system
· Text.BPD can view all Text-type Tags in the system
Engineers and technicians can modify these. See "System & Template Displays” or Point Detail Display, section 9.2.2.
The extension for source (DRAW) files are
(e.g. analog.dxx, digital.dxx, and text.dxx)
The extension for runtime (VIEW) files
are *.BXX
(e.g. analog.bxx, digital.bxx, and text.bxx)