
WebSource Editor Properties | To configure a WebSource | To import a WebSource | To delete a WebSource

WebSources are templates for the creation of complex web addresses (URLs). A complex web address is one that contains a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) query. For example, a web site that provides a weather forecast for a local area based on the zip code entered, would have a web address that contains a query parameter for the specific zip code. WebSources can be used in a display as either Hyperlinks or Web Control objects.

WebSources are created in the following ways:

NOTE: To create, edit, delete, or import WebSources, the user must be assigned the appropriate permission (or belong to a role that has been given the appropriate permission). See Privileges for more information.

After the WebSource has been created, it is used in much the same way other data sources are used. For example, when you add a Hyperlink or Web Control object, you have the option of specifying a WebSource to use. Alternatively, a WebSources node is shown on the Data Sources tab so that it can be used with Natural Presentation. See Dragging and Dropping Data Sources (Natural Presentation) for more information.

WebSources are more like templates than data sources, in that as soon as you associate a WebSource with a Hyperlink or Web Control, any changes made to the WebSource properties (through the Edit WebSources dialog box) will not be reflected in the Hyperlink or Web Control. Likewise, any changes made to the WebSource through the Hyperlink or Web Control configuration dialog boxes will not be reflected in the original WebSource file.

Parameter Values in WebSources

A WebSource can have a default parameter value that will be used whenever the WebSource is first accessed by a Web Control object or a Hyperlink in a display. The default value is specified on the WebSource Editor dialog box.

Parameter values can also be passed to WebSources from other objects. For example, a list box configured with a relational data source that retrieves a list of locations could be linked to a Web Control object. The Web Control object is configured with a WebSource that uses a parameter query for location. If a default value is specified for the location, when the display is run the default location is passed and the web page will show the information for that location. At any time you could choose a different location from the list box and the web page within the Web Control object will switch the parameter to the specified value. For more information on linking object parameters, see Parameter Connections.

Parameters in WebSources can also be passed values from variables. Every time the WebSource is loaded into a display, the specified variable will be passed to the parameter. For example, a WebSource can be configured to use a parameter for language. The `Current Language Code' variable can be passed to the parameter so that when the WebSource is accessed, the web page loads the current language. Variables can be set in the following ways:

For more information on RTIP variables, see Variable Connections.

Importing WebSources

Web elements from other Proficy products can be imported as WebSources for use in Proficy Portal.

When you choose Import WebSources from the Application menu, you are prompted to enter the name of the web server to connect to. After the connection has been made, the host Proficy application will launch a wizard that will allow you to select the web elements to import. After you import the web elements, they appear under the WebSources node and can be modified and used in displays in the same way as other WebSources.

You can use the WebSources Wizard to integrate Proficy Portal with any application that supports the Link Manager. Currently these applications are: