Configuring an Event chart

  1. If you have not already done so, insert a chart by selecting it from the Insert menu How?

- or -

Double-click an existing chart to access the chart's configuration panel.

  1. After you add the chart to your display, set miscellaneous chart options such as the chart's name, refresh settings, modification restriction, and antialiasing. How?

  2. Enter/configure the chart's title. How?

  3. Customize the chart's background appearance. How?

  4. Add event(s):

    • Add a new event. How?

- or -

  1. Click the Data tab to add pens to the events, which appear in the Events list box.

  2. Select an event from the Events list box.

  3. Add pens.

    • Load a pen group. How?

- or -

  1. Configure pens:

    • Configure a pen's general options. How?

    • Configure a pen's alarm options. How?

    • Configure a pen's X axis. How?

    • Configure a pen's Y axis. How?

    • Configure a pen's grid options. How?

    • Configure a pen's ToolTips. How?

  2. After configuring a tab, if you want the configuration to be applied to all tabs, select the tab you want to apply and click the Apply Tab button. If you want all tabs you configured to be applied to all pens, click the Apply All Tabs button.

  3. Configure pens for other events as required.

  4. Set up the chart's axes and cursors. How?

  5. Customize zooming options. How?

  6. Customize scrolling options. How?

  7. Set annotation options. How?

  8. Set overflow percentage. How?

  9. Customize the legend. How?

  10. Specify the chart's font. How?

  11. Click OK to save your changes.

See Also

Event Charts

Charts Properties

Trending Strings

Trending SQL Data

Event Groups

Linking Event Charts to other Objects