Quality (SPC) Charts Features

Adding Charts to Displays

You can add a chart to a display in two ways:

Configuring SPC Charts

Each type of chart has configurable properties. If the chart has already been added, you can access the configuration panel by double-clicking the chart (while in Configuration mode). The configurable properties are similar from one chart to the next, but in some cases certain properties are named differently, and some charts have specific features that are unique. The basic properties for SPC charts include the following:

Statistical Analysis

When you configure options for a chart, you can specify whether you want control limits to be displayed, and how you want control limits to be calculated. Control limits are lines on the chart that are used to determine whether variation on a chart is caused by special or common causes. Control limits are displayed on the chart as the upper control limit (UCL), lower control limit (LCL), center line (CL), and warning lines (WL). A point that falls outside of the upper or lower control limits is considered a special cause.

The options for control limit calculation are as follows:

Descriptive Statistics

In addition to the control limits shown on each chart, descriptive statistics can be used to analyze the stability and performance of a process. A different set of descriptive statistics is calculated for each type of chart. You can see a table of the statistics when you export the chart data to a Quick Report. How?

For a list of all descriptive statistics used in the Quality (SPC) charts, along with descriptions and calculations, see Quality Chart Formula Reference.

See Also

Quality (SPC) Charts Overview

XBar chart

Range chart

Sigma chart

XBar-R chart

XBar-S chart

Moving XBar chart

Moving Range chart

Individual chart

Histogram chart

Pareto chart

P chart

Np chart

C chart

U chart

Correlation chart

Exporting Data from SPC Charts

Alarm Indication

Bad Data Handling


VisualSPC Data Sources